
Paolo Becchi – Giuseppe Palma
Of the new Dpcm everyone talks about it but no one has seen it. At the moment there is still nothing official and uncertainty reigns. Perhaps it will be adopted today, the truth is that so much confusion endangers the first of the foundational elements of the rule of law: “legal certainty.” For days the closure of bars and restaurants was broadcast at 11 at night, then the government took a step back, while the extension of the mandatory masks even outdoors must be confirmed, this time even though social distancing is respected. No meetings and more assiduity in hand disinfection. In addition to the police, the army may also be employed in the streets to enforce the new rules. But isn’t it crazy? All without law, with a simple administrative act of the Prime Minister, as during Phase 1. Of course, Conte guaranteed a parliamentary step for the second extension of the state of emergency from October 15 to January 31, 2021, but yesterday the quorum in the Chamber he was absent twice and we will talk again this morning: a new armored parliamentary resolution that will give Conte a chance to do whatever he wants. It was not enough to extend the state of emergency in the absence of an emergency, now we will also see the permanent state of emergency and this only to keep a zombie government alive.
But does this emergency really exist? In recent days, infections reached 3,000 cases per day, but most are asymptomatic, that is, infected that do not require hospitalization. Deaths are less than thirty a day (hundreds die from other diseases) and patients admitted to intensive care are, in total, less than 400. The emergency shutdown In March and April it arose out of the need to prevent intensive care from getting out of control, but at the end of March we had 4,000 hospitalized out of 5,000 beds available. Today we have a few hundred versus about 12,000 seats, and another 3,000 are yet to be built. Where is the health emergency that justifies new restrictive measures? In the middle of Phase 1, that is, at the beginning of April, the head of civil protection Angelo Borrelli clearly said: «I don’t wear a mask, but I respect the rules of social distancing; the mask is important if the distances are not respected ». Several doctors also share the same opinion, including Bassetti, Tarro and Zangrillo. This happened when there were about a thousand deaths a day, why now, that the dead are less than thirty and the national health service is much more solid, we must wear a mask even if we walk alone through the city? And perhaps with the army that controls us.

The government can employ the army in the streets with administrative action and for limited periods of time, but only to guarantee public order in the event of a specific and manifest emergency, for example in the case of terrorist attacks. L‘ArmyInstead of defending the Italians, you will have to force the Italians to respect certain idiotic rules like that of the outdoor mask that does not exist in any other country in the world. Truly amazing how the democratic state has been brought to its knees by those who screamed about the “full powers” of Salvini. Through security decrees for the human rights of illegal immigrants, but the army in the streets in violation of the human rights of Italians. We do not want to think badly, but does the government want to facilitate some multinationals that have turned their production into masks, to facilitate their sale? The issue is even more thorny. If he governmentFrom May to September, instead of giving China tons of money for scooters and wheelchair benches, it had built 50 thousand beds in intensive care, today we would not talk about Dpcm again. Finally, it is disheartening to observe that we have not learned anything from what happened, above all we have not understood that the measures to be taken must be identified based on local needs and situations. We continue with Dpcm nationwide and as in the game of the goose we have only returned to point.