“Juve-Napoli case? The two teams have little to do with each other. At the penalty spot …”


The Corriere dello Sport columnist Francesco Marolda spoke to the CalcioNapoli24 microphones:

“The Juventus-Napoli case? Here it is not possible to understand the simplest solution, but the two teams have little to do: they are small compared to the chaos that has been created, we are facing a dispute between the laws of the state and internal law, they have dealt with two subjects that have no regional health competence. There was no yes from the state-region conference, not even from the ASL: a protocol has been created that is incomplete, contradictory and that, in my opinion, needs to be reviewed, there are holes. The League was wrong for not understanding it immediately and not seeking mediation: a strong League would have avoided getting into this mess, would have postponed the match and would have warned Juventus. Solutions are sought in detail, not even the main one exists: can a protocol prevail over the laws of a state? Not for me, otherwise we would be the banana republic.

The penalty point? It’s hard for me to understand: it can’t be due to lack of presence in the stadium, there is the 0-3 on the table plus the penalty spot, which, however, is accessory and cannot be without the 0-3. Breach of protocol? I would expect penalties for Naples, but also for Juventus, Milan and Genoa. Looking for a solution to get out of this tunnel, I don’t think the championship can be normal as they would like us to believe.

Milik? There were delays at Napoli during the negotiation of the renewals, Arek if he gave up everything without having a contract ready for January is really incomprehensible: staying put is something inconceivable for me, having rejected even important teams. Milik will make Napoli lose money, but you have to be careful: having an agreement with another club now can be a problem of lack of sports loyalty.
