From tomorrow it will be mandatory to wear the mask even outdoors.


During a press conference, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced that the Council of Ministers approved a new decree-law that expands the rules already provided for by the Prime Minister’s Decree (DPCM) in force until today. The new decree also extends the state of emergency until January 31, 2021, introduces the obligation to always carry the mask with you and expands the circumstances that provide for the obligation to wear it.

As of tomorrow, Thursday, October 8, it will be mandatory to always wear the mask “not only in closed places accessible to the public, as in the past, but more generally in interior places other than private homes and also in all exterior places.” The press release published on the government’s website establishes that the obligation does not apply if it is indoors or outdoors “in cases where, due to the characteristics of the place or the factual circumstances, it is the condition of isolation of the people who do not live together is continuous. ”Conte explained that you cannot wear a mask if, for example,“ you are isolated in the field or in the mountains. Otherwise, however, the mask should not only be worn, but also » .

In addition to those who are outdoors in an isolated place with people who live together, the obligation to wear a mask does not even apply to children under six years of age, to those with pathologies or disabilities incompatible with its use and to those who play. a sports activity. For those who do not respect the obligation, fines of up to a thousand euros are foreseen, explained the Prime Minister.

Conte also made a recommendation for private homes: “Even in the family you have to be careful. If we host friends and family, we are careful and keep our distance. These are the situations in which the contagion spreads the most.

The decree also establishes that the regions cannot decide on less restrictive rules than those of the central government, unless they are agreed with the Minister of Health. Instead, regions may impose more restrictive ordinances. The decree, the press release says, also moves the deadline for submitting requests related to ordinary layoffs linked to the COVID-19 emergency to October 31, 2020. The application to track the contacts of people positive for the coronavirus, Immuni, It can remain operational until December 31, 2021 and no more until December 31, 2020.

Since the beginning of July, in Italy, the number of cases of coronavirus infection has been increasing steadily, a growth that, however, has remained more contained so far than in other large European countries, such as France, Spain and the United Kingdom. United. The deaths of people who had contracted the coronavirus have also continued to rise and are now consistently three times higher than those recorded in August, when the trough numbers since the start of the pandemic were reached.

Today, the percentage of positive cases per 100 swabs performed, given that it gives an idea of ​​how extensive the testing operations are and how much the actual size of the contagion in the territory is controlled, is just over 2 percent: in the more acute phases than the epidemic in which not even all the symptoms could be proven and the contagion in certain areas was very extensive, it had exceeded 25 percent. The current value is reassuring, although it is constantly growing and, above all, it is not homogeneous throughout Italy. There are regions, such as Campania, where the percentage of positive cases out of every 100 swabs performed is in fact double.

– Also read: How is the contagion situation in Campania?

On Tuesday, Health Minister Speranza in his speech to the Chambers said that “Italy is better at the moment”, compared to many other European countries, and that together with Germany is the country that is better withstanding the second wave, specifying however, “we must not have any illusions” that the pandemic is over. The prime minister, contrary to what has been broadcast in the previous hours, had denied that he wanted to introduce the early closure of discos and restaurants and yesterday, on television, he said that he did not see “a new blockade on the horizon.”

On the afternoon of this Tuesday, the Chamber lacked a quorum to approve or reject the communication made by Minister Speranza to the deputies, in which he had set out, among other things, the reasons for extending the state of emergency to January 31, 2021 It was achieved partly by the approach decided by the House presidency to handle parliamentarians currently in fiduciary isolation, and partly by the right and center-right opposition’s decision not to participate in the vote once they understood that the majority parliamentarians were very few.

The absence of a quorum – which in the Chamber has 316 members, half plus one – had been a problem for the majority and the government: the so-called “COVID decree” signed into law in May seemed to constrain the issuance of new decrees. the Prime Minister’s Office (DPCM) – which is the main instrument with which the government has managed measures against the pandemic – until the approval of the two Houses of an intervention by the Prime Minister or a minister. The government, however, has chosen to extend the current DPCM until October 7 with a decree law, although the Chamber on Wednesday had approved Speranza’s report.

The problem of the absence of a quorum has been resolved by considering, from now on, the parliamentarians in fiduciary isolation “on mission”, with the consequent reduction in the quorum that determines the quorum. The House regulation had already been applied in this way in March for the deputies residing in the so-called red zones. The 41 majority deputies in quarantine are 21 from the Democratic Party, 14 from the M5S, 5 from Italia Viva and 1 from Liberi e Uguali.

– Also read: Why has it been better in Italy so far?
