
Renato Farina
The resurgence of pandemic in this month of October especially affects the Campania and Lazio. Especially in the Region governed by Enzo De Luca the case is terribly serious. At 6 pm yesterday the bulletin is unforgiving. Comments on morning.it: “So the month of October started with a sensational outbreak of the virus: 2,422 positive swabs in six days.” With a progression to predict that in a short time – except for the hopeful softening of the virus – there will be no beds for intensive or sub-intensive therapy. Faced with this imminent emergency in the south of Garigliano, the Lombardy Region did not wait another day. The governor Attilio fontana made available the Fiera di Milano hospital, installed in record time while Covid raged in the north.
This structure named after two thaumaturgical saints (the friar from the lower area of Pavia Riccardo Pampuri and the Lebanese monk Charbel Makhluf) was also created with the millionaire contribution of Libero readers, and for that reason we are happy to give an account of it. We are not surprised by this active solidarity. It seems to us a nice way to heal the wounds that later inflicted – not just administrators but the entire Nordic people – those southern leaders who we hope won’t do everything now to pretend to be self-reliant, to the detriment of their sick villagers, for stupid reasons of pride and susceptibility. Don’t worry, gratitude is not expected in these parts. And, as the offer of a turnkey hospital and doctors in the trenches shows, he doesn’t hold a grudge. We do not want to imitate the vaguely jackal syndromes of those who sharpened their sharp teeth against Bergamo and Brianza, imagining that if the South had been overwhelmed by the cataclysm of the Crown, we would have transformed the South into a single concentration camp.

Sorry, it’s disgusting to write, but we’re disgusting by nature. We have to remember the mayor of Naples, Luigi De Magistris, who had delineated the Lombard soul by relating it to the SS: “If Naples or some other area of the south – and not Milan and Lombardy – had been the epicenter of the epidemic, they would have built a wall, deployed the army and shot the southerners” . Parallel to cases of authentic solidarity, which never fails in our people of any Italian latitude, we witnessed racist political decisions: in Ischia and Molise the Lombards were morally bound by the sign of the lepers, with the prohibition of accessing those territories. Trains coming from Milan They were evacuated with the flamethrowers prepared by De Luca, fortunately turned off, they say because they had stolen the gasoline, but it is a slander; and passengers from Puglia or Campania who made a mistake while working and studying in Milan were greeted like lansquenets of the plague. Was Republic to undertake an ideological process, as to why in the parts of Serio and Lambro, the contagion had galloped unstoppably. Roberto Saviano He immediately delivered the verdict: blame Formigoni and the reformed center-right healthcare system. Michele Serra, who also comes from Milan, took it out on “the people of not closing, good people, but monocultural, confindustrial Lilliputians, the maguttas of Bergamo as they are the owners of the steelworks, work, work, work.” In short, the gold-plated masons as greasers thanks to the horrible vice of work. Serra’s implication was clear: the real vaccine is not to work, that’s why the south was immunized.
Angelo Forgione, former author of “Naples Moral Capital”, theorized the matter: “The outbreak of COVID-19 originated in Lombardy, due to sanitary negligence, pressure from the industrial world, and air pollution. But Coronavirus it did not break through in the South. ‘ Clear? History punishes the North, the South is immune. A South that was quite sovereign. And happy that Destiny finally got mad at Polentoni’s morons. Important – they say – constitutionalist, Massimo Viglione created a beautiful image to photograph the hecatomb of his brothers in Italy (north): “Fontana has already deposited 12 thousand coffins on the ground”. A massacre governor. Nicola Zingaretti he took the same line, unloading the horror of the deaths not on Chinese comrades but on Italian political opponents. He said: “There will be mass graves with Salvini and Meloni in power.” He was clearly thinking of the severed regions of the North, blaming the center-right boards, while he was fine. Now that the virus is attacking Lazio, an apology would be welcome. How much conceited malice was stained on the pre-Alpine provinces and their administrators. Without compassion. Praise the Chinese and the investigations to cause an epidemic for those who tried, first in the world, to confront an unknown monster. The north was hit by a cyclone for which there had been no prior Roman warnings. The governors’ concern was deemed “ridiculous” by the same Gypsies The viral host bill was cruel. But if today in the rest of the world, and especially in southern Italy, the spread of contagion has an enormously lower lethality than in February, March and April, it is due to the therapeutic intuitions that the clinicians of the hospitals of Brescia, Bergamo , Mantua, Pavia, Milan, Padua and Monza have devised on the lane, saving tens of thousands of lives, not only in their part but under the Po and beyond the Alps.
We remember the disfigurement suffered by the Lombards (and those who believed in the project: our readers) when a campaign was launched to ridicule the Hospital de Fiera. Instead of rejoicing that it remained empty, they regretted that the beds with the dying were not used. Gravedigger logic. Fontana argued that having it built was a measure of wisdom, a bit like very high embankments to preserve from flooding, or like the Mose in Venice against high tide. Travaglio distinguished himself – and we are sure he will insist anyway – in considering a joke to have a strategic hospital reserve at the service of the security of all Italy. The Cobas complaint and the investigation by the Treasury Police arrived on time for dirtying Milan heart necklace for men. Well, that heart really does. The gesture of the Lombards in the First Anti-Covid Crusade is a magnificent offer of fraternity. The little Lombard revenge is going well. At this point, after taking the satisfaction of the memory, peace.