Monkey social teachers, retired at 63, this is how and with what other requirements



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The social bee is a measure also aimed at heavy duty jobs, including kindergarten teachers and kindergarten educators.

The Social Ape is an early retirement measure that can be situated halfway between a social security benefit and a welfare benefit. In fact, it is a measure that provides for the attainment of a certain age and, at the same time, an equally determined threshold of paid contributions. In this sense,Social waters it is for all purposes a social security measure.

Instead, what makes it appear as a welfare measure is the audience of beneficiaries of this retirement advance. In fact, the measure is aimed at the disabled, carers, the unemployed and people who struggle with too strenuous tasks, the so-called heavy work. The Social Ape, an acronym for Advance of Social Pensions, is a measure that intercepts particular conditions of physical, labor and income deprivation, as the social benefits of which our organization is quite rich usually do.

Among the numerous and strenuous work activities that grant those who perform them the right to access the early retirement provided by the Advance to the Social Pension, is that of the kindergarten teacher and that of the early childhood educators. Specifically, here is a guide to the Social Ape related to these school personnel, whose activity is so exhausting that advise against staying at work until the social security requirements for ordinary retirement measures are met.

Social bee, how does it work?

Obviously the daily contact with preschool children and the need to be the first educators of the little ones is considered by legislators as a very exhausting activity.

This is why nursery school teachers and nursery educators, along with, among others, construction workers, operating room nurses, delivery room midwives, and truck drivers (there are a total of 15 training activities). planned heavy work), they can take advantage of the pension advance offered by the Social Ape.

The measure was introduced in 2017 by the government of Pd. A measure that is experimental and whose tests expire on December 31, 2020. In all probability, however, the social Ape will extend again (this has happened for years with all budget laws) in the financial maneuver that the government will present in Parliament in a few days.

It is likely that its expiration will be postponed until December 31, 2021. With the social Ape you can access your pension from the age of 63. It is an age that represents the minimum threshold to be reached, since the measure is flexible and therefore, from 63 years to 67 years, which are the useful personal threshold for the old-age pension, whoever wants to can choose the most favorable moment. according to your needs, to quit your job.

Regarding the contribution requirement, for the disabled, unemployed and dependent disabled people, 30 years of contributions paid for any reason are required. For heavy work and therefore also for the part of the school personnel to whom the measure can be applied, 36 years of paid contributions are required.

It should be remembered that the social Ape is a non-transferable measure due to the death of the pensioner since there is no reversibility for the spouse or certain heirs as provided for in the survivor’s pension. The measure is paid monthly in 12 monthly payments, because the thirteenth monthly salary is not foreseen in the social Ape. In addition, with the Social Ape you are not entitled to any family allowance or social increases.

Apes social teachers of nursery schools and preschools

In addition to age and contributions, each individual category of subjects targeted by the measure must focus on other very specific requirements. With the Social Ape, therefore, until the end of 2020 and probably also for the whole of 2021, kindergarten teachers and kindergarten educators will be able to opt out from 63 years of age if at the same time they also they complete 36 years of age. contribution paid.

It is also necessary that the role of kindergarten teachers and kindergarten educators has been carried out in 6 of the last 7 years of working career, or alternatively, in 7 of the last 10 years.

From the point of view of calculating the allowance owed on the date of departure with the Social Ape, it must be said that this measure does not foresee direct sanctions based on the years in advance or the rules for calculating the benefit. What the workers who choose the Social Ape will receive is the exact pension owed on the date of departure and based on the contributions earned on the same date. The only deficit compared to a hypothetical exit at 67 with an old-age pension, assuming continuity in work, refers to the lower years of paid contributions and the less favorable transformation coefficients for leaving the world of work younger.

