The premier: “Even in the family you have to be careful and adopt appropriate behaviors. We need rigor or we will get into difficulties”
“Attention also in the family” “The State cannot enter into family relations,” continues the premier. I consider sacrosanct the expression of the principle that the State, if it is not really necessary, does not enter private homes also because it would not make much sense for rules that could not be applied. So I make a strong recommendation. We want to be more strict to avoid new restrictive measures for productive activities ”.
“Without sacrifice we will get into difficulties” According to Conte, “until now we have managed the epidemic with rigor, cohesion and a sense of responsibility, if we renounce this sense of responsibility, this willingness to sacrifice, we will get into difficulties.” The new measures, the prime minister specified, will take effect from Thursday. “For the rules on quarantine – continues Conte – nothing has changed: the rules on self-isolation and quarantine in force continue to apply. If we then consider and suggest new measures, we will adopt them.”
Mask to wear even on uncrowded streets Next, the premier points out: “The mask must be worn and not just on: we can no longer be in the perspective that one sees a street with few people and takes off or puts on the protection device. We want to be more rigorous because we want to avoid in every way more restrictive measures for productive and social activities. That is why we no longer distinguish between public and private places. “Next, the clarification:” Children under 6 years of age, those who practice sports, those who have health reasons, people with disabilities or who have respiratory difficulties ”are exempt from the obligation to wear a mask outdoors.
“Health first, adequate and proportional measures” “We have always adopted a coherent methodological line, always putting health first, also because if we take care of health first, then things go better,” he adds. Therefore always transparency, we have always shared everything with the public. Finally there are the criteria of adequacy and proportionality: today that we do not want to return to the confinement, we consider this measure adequate ”.