of Monica Campani
Data from the southeast of ASL Toscana and the center of ASL Toscana. 36 new cases throughout the Arezzo province

There are 36 new positive cases throughout the Arezzo province: 5 in Arezzo Valdarno.
Is a 27 years of Loro Ciuffenna, already in home isolation as symptomatic; of a 35enne, already in home isolation upon his return from Guatemala, asymptomatic, and a 82enne, hospitalized, both from Montevarchi; of a 17-year-old from Bucine, already in home isolation as a case of contact, symptomatic, student and one 17 years of San Giovanni, already in home isolation as a contact case, student.
The Prevention Department, through the close contact tracing activity, has currently highlighted 36 contacts for the Arezzo cases who have already been immediately placed in solitary confinement. At this time, 2,717 people from the Local Health Authority of Southeast Tuscany are already in home isolation, either because of a known case contact or because they come from other countries. There are 789 positives in charge, 17 hospitalized for infectious diseases and 4 in intensive care at the San Donato Hospital in Arezzo. The identification of the cases and the tracing of the contacts was possible by means of the realization of 2,770 swabs “.
As for Florentino Valdarno, two people from Figline Incisa, 1 from Reggello and one from Rignano, were positive. There are 72 in the entire province of Florence.