Government consultant Walter Ricciardi is among the signatories of a document on the mysteriously disappeared confinement: the accusations
After nearly six months, a April document on the confinement in Italy: finishing in the crosshairs is a sentence signed by the government consultant Walter Ricciardi. The accusations, directed not only to the academic but also to the other signatories Stefano Boccia and John PA Iannidis, come from the Committee of the victims “We will inform”.
April blocking document, what came up
The document, obtained by Agi, says: “In the end it was necessary to resort to blockade, measure of blind despair“This is a scientific article dated April 2, 2020 and cited in a note in the report published by WHO on May 13. The text disappeared within 24 hours from the World Health Organization website.
To shed light on the incident was the Victims Family Committee, which brought up the document entitled “What other countries can learn from Italy during the pandemic.”
“Countries with an aggressive infection monitoring policy – read the text – and with ample possibilities for laboratory tests (for example, Taiwan and South Korea) seem to offer successful examples of virus containment“.
“Compared with them – here is the central point of the article in question – in Italy both the tracking and the laboratory tests are very limited and in the end it was necessary to resort to confinement, a measure of blind desperation”.
Blockade, the accusations of the committee “We will inform”
Ricciardi’s words were challenged by the Committee “We will denounce“In particular by the lawyer Consuelo Locati: “I am amazed by the statements about the fact that the confinement is considered an extreme measure precisely in face and as a consequence of how the health part related to the tampon monitoring was managed.”
“This statement – it is the lawyer’s thesis – can be considered and interpreted as accusation, in particular by identifying and attributing responsibility to those who had the regulatory obligation to intervene and manage the screening and, even earlier, the acquisition of reagents for citizen swabs. It is evident that the containment of the virus happens and can be implemented through carpet laying and in the regions where this has been implemented, the cases of Covid have been reduced and / or contained in the immediate term ”.
Missing document, Ricciardi response
Asked by the Corriere della Sera, Walter Ricciardi He explained his April words as follows: “Blind (despair, ed) in the extreme sense: not having been able to contain the virus through those containment measures, we had to resort to mitigation measures: nothing else could be done“.
“From the manuals – explained the expert -, first contained, then mitigated: that’s why we are putting pressure on Immuni, to increase the following and do everything possible to avoid a new closure. “
VIRGILIO NEWS | 06-10-2020 20:42
Photo Source: Ansa