Coronavirus, peak of infections in Puglia: 196 new positives, never so many since the beginning of the pandemic


New peak of positive at present and a new outbreak in a private nursing home in Bari. There are 196 cases of Covid-19 infection compared to 4,822 smears made, according to data published by the Region on the coronavirus in the bulletin of 7 October.

Those infected are divided as follows: 68 in the province of Bari, 3 in the province of Brindisi, 7 in the province of Bat, 80 in the province of Foggia, 10 in the province of Lecce, 27 in the province of Taranto , 1 case resident outside the region.


Coronavirus, the number of infected in the Don Uva rehabilitation center in Foggia amounts to 49

And it is precisely from Bari where the alarm is triggered in the Mater dei di Bari where 17 positives have been identified so far among operators. “The prevention department has already activated all epidemiological surveillance procedures – explains Antonio Sanguedolce, dg Asl Bari, in this regard – isolating positive subjects and initiating close contact tracing. The rest of the positive subjects are close contacts of cases already identified and under surveillance. “


Coronavirus, outbreak at the Mater Dei clinic in Bari: 17 infections among doctors and nurses

The news comes shortly after the case of the Universo Salute Don Uva rehabilitation center in Foggia, with 40 patients and 9 operators positive for covid-19. “All the protocols foreseen in case of contagion were immediately applied. – says the director of Asl Foggia, Vito Piazzolla – The structure immediately reactivated the protected roads that had been validated by the company’s prevention department during the first emergency phase. in constant contact with the management of Don Uva that continues cleaning both guests and operators. The situation is under control ”.


Coronavirus, the number of infected in the Don Uva rehabilitation center in Foggia amounts to 49

Then, instead, the president of the Region, Michele Emiliano, on the high numbers and concerns about the school and the new regulations: “Today we have reached 196 infected in a single day. It is evident that the resumption of all activities In times of pandemic, the reopening of schools, the return of the holidays, have caused an increase in infections. Most of them are asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic, so there is currently no stress in the hospital or particular concern. the virus circulates and circulates with great intensity. And it is clear that measures must be taken, not only to always wear the mask when there is close contact with other people. It will be necessary to ensure, for example, that the school transport can be less stressed, also assuming staggered lesson times: public transport has not increased also because the government has not decided to allocate a single euro to strengthen the public transport system and school, and these are items that need to be adjusted. We look forward to this DPCM. The Puglia hospital, however, is doing well although, of course, much attention has been paid to strengthening it in recent days. “

Even the councilor for health in pectore, Pier Luigi Lopalco, preaches caution: “As we have learned in so many months of experience, it is not the data of one day that must be evaluated, but the trend of the curve as a whole. Today’s is linked to the coincidence of an increase in cases in two provinces. It is a situation that must be carefully monitored and that, however, should invite everyone to pay the utmost attention and prudence ”.

There are no new deaths, so the total number of victims remains 603. The total cured amounted to 4,883, 54 more than yesterday). With these figures, the positives currently (total fewer deaths and cured cases) reach 3,133, of which 274 are hospitalized. This is the highest figure ever recorded in Apulia, even higher than the Phase 1 period. But the difference compared to the past is the quality of the patients, with more asymptomatic patients identified and much less pressure on hospital structures.
