Covid keeps capital apprehensive. The data in Rome, 128 cases yesterday, and in general in Lazio are still not positive and the contagion is rampant. The latest survey speaks of 275 new positives in the Region compared to eleven thousand swabs and brings the total count of current positives to 8,290, confirming Lazio at the top of the national rankings. Since the start of the pandemic, 8,794 have been recovered, while sadly 948 deaths, four yesterday alone.
#Coronavirus: the newsletter of the Lazio Region # 6ottobre. #HealthLazio pic.twitter.com/XeZ5YGiZYP
– Health Lazio (@HealthLazio) October 6, 2020
Specifically, the situation is proportionally reflected in the neighborhoods of Rome. Yesterday two people died in the area of competence of Asl 1, they are two patients of 64 and 78 years, both with previous pathologies. The other two victims, however, in Frosinone and Rieti. As for contagion, the worst situation occurs in the belt that surrounds the central area of the capital, where the incidence of positives per ten thousand inhabitants is globally higher.
In the central area, the black jersey goes to the district of Trieste, in municipality two (630 positives), where 155 cases in absolute terms since the start of the pandemic, included in the same area, worry the 132 positives registered in the Nomentano district. Geographically close, but within the V Municipality (874 confirmed cases), Gordiani registers a worrying 142. The central area is the one that generally shows the worst panorama, if we also consider the 147 infected in the Esquilino district. The area that belongs to the historic center, in this sense, registers 137 positives.
Rome, on the list of the Rays of the Recovery Fund, projects that the Government had already rejected
Clearly the numbers are growing in the most populated areas and if the situation seems to improve by moving away from the center, Torre Angela (245 positive) and Borghesiana (139), in the six municipalities (755 cases), represent worrying exceptions. It is not better in the seventh municipality, which is generally the worst, with 913 cases. Here the incidence of Don Bosco district weighs above all, 190 positives registered to date, and Tuscolano Sud (161). Ostia, divided between South and North, has 89 and 92 respectively, to which must be added the 29 in the old part of the city. In total there are 541 of those in the Municipality of Diez.
Having said the negative aspects, the best marks refer to districts four and eight, which with 393 and 354 cases, are the least affected areas of the city. In Tor San Giovanni there are only two positive aspects, three in Tor Cervara and Grottarossa east. But even these figures, while comforting, must be contextualized and compared with the total number of inhabitants.
Last updated: 14:16