Today the report signed last April was released
A resounding slice of the management of the Coronavirus carried out by the government, carried out by a government consultancy. The document signed by scientist Walter Ricciardi last April is sensational when he defined the blockade imposed by the Conte executive as a measure of “blind desperation.”
“In the end it was necessary to resort to confinement, a measure of blind desperation.” The consideration is also signed by Ricciardi in an April 2, 2020 scientific article cited in a note from the report published by the WHO on May 13, then disappeared within 24 hours from the World Health Organization website. The text, referred to in note 64 of the report obtained by the AGI through the Committee of families of the victims, is entitled “What other countries can learn from Italy during the pandemic” and is signed, as well as by Ricciardi, by two other scholars, Stefano Boccia and John PA Iannidis.
“Countries with an aggressive infection monitoring policy and with extensive laboratory testing possibilities (for example, Taiwan and South Korea) seem to offer successful examples of virus containment – it reads – Compared to them, in Italy Both the tracking as laboratory tests are very limited and in the end it was necessary to resort to confinement, a measure of blind desperation ”.
In a previous passage, the three authors explained that at this stage, in the absence of precise data, “it is difficult to predict the effects of decisions such as blocking the advance of the pandemic. For example, it is not known whether the implementation of a confinement leads to a situation where many people can infect others and could cause people to spend more time in close contact with the elderly and the most vulnerable. Likewise, it is not known whether a new epidemic wave may reappear when the measures are removed There are also unanswered questions about whether the stress and panic of a public crisis that led to serious disturbances and isolation may have increased the vulnerability of the elderly and frail compared to a respiratory virus. “
“I am amazed by the statements about the fact that confinement is considered an extreme measure precisely in the face and as a consequence of how the health part related to tampon tracking was handled”, is the comment of the lawyer Consuelo Locati, lawyer of the Committee “We will inform” that presented dozens of complaints, assuming the responsibility of the Government and the Lombardy Region – In fact, this statement can be considered and interpreted as an act of ‘accusation’, in particular when identifying and attributing responsibility to those who They had a regulatory obligation to intervene and manage the monitoring and even before that, the acquisition of reagents for citizen swabs. It is evident that the containment of the virus passes and can be implemented through carpet scanning and in the regions where this has been implemented, the cases of Covid have been reduced and / or contained in the immediate term ”.
Locati reminds us that “in the CTS minutes of March 04, 2020 the deficiencies of the system emerge, as well as the deficiencies in communication and activation of the chain of command, where, in particular, criticalities are highlighted in the passage of the information from the regional to the central-governmental level, but, what is more important, the absence of a pandemic plan is declared and it is declared that the response to the pandemic health emergency is being prepared day by day ”.