The House approved the new government report on the coronavirus


On Wednesday morning, the Chamber approved the report on the government’s program to combat the spread of coronavirus infections presented yesterday in the Chamber by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza. The majority report was approved with 253 votes in favor and three against. The opposition did not participate in the vote. The report, among other things, commits the government to extend the state of emergency until January 31, 2021 and to introduce the obligation to “wear a mask even in outdoor places and throughout the day.”

On Tuesday afternoon, the Chamber lacked a quorum to approve or reject the communication made by Minister Speranza to the deputies. Quorum had not been reached in part due to the approach decided by the House presidency to manage MPs currently in fiduciary isolation, and in part due to the decision of the right and center-right opposition not to participate in the vote one Once it was understood that the There were very few majority deputies. The absence of a quorum – which in the Chamber has 316 members, half plus one – had postponed the Council of Ministers to Wednesday, which must approve the new Prime Minister’s Decree containing the measures envisaged by Speranza.

The problem of the absence of a quorum has been resolved by considering, from now on, the parliamentarians in fiduciary isolation “on mission”, with the consequent reduction in the quorum that determines the quorum. The House regulations had already been applied in this way in March for the deputies residing in the so-called red zones. The 41 majority deputies in quarantine are 21 from the Democratic Party, 14 from the M5S, 5 from Italia Viva and 1 from Liberi e Uguali.
