Reggio Calabria: the young woman was about to be discharged on Friday night, then the tragic end on Saturday
Another tragedy shakes Reggio Calabria: it is the death of Giuseppina Siviglia for friends Giusy, young 35enne of Melito Porto Salvo, hospitalized for a few weeks in the United Hospitals of Reggio calabria and found dead in her bed under mysterious circumstances. The young woman – as Gazzetta del Sud reports today – had been admitted to the infectious diseases service about 20 days ago and later transferred to neurology. Seville She was found dead in her bed by nurses from the United States who entered the room on Saturday afternoon at the urging of relatives who had not been able to contact the girl for hours. The young woman seems to have been diagnosed with encephalitis and had been treated with positive results that would have allowed the 35-year-old’s resignation as early as Friday, when Giuseppina would have informed her brother that he could go look for her. But it was late at night and her brother would have advised her to stay until the next day, but when the situation got worse. The relatives were contacted on Saturday morning by the Ospedali Riuniti who informed them that due to the fever, the girl would still have to remain hospitalized. As of 1:30 p.m., the relatives no longer had contact with the girl and, concerned about the girl’s health, they tried in vain to contact her both directly and in the room. So after a few hours they left and went to the hospital to obtain information but unfortunately they arrived at the Reggio hospital, they received the dramatic news, always remaining outside the Reunited by the anti-coronavirus rules that do not allow access inside the structure. . The investigations began immediately and the relatives first contacted the carabinieri, then the lawyer on duty and then the magistrate who seized the medical record and ordered the autopsy of the young woman’s body.