When the mask can be removed outdoors


From tomorrow on the mask will be mandatory outdoors no time slots e all day. Minister Speranza, in fact, reiterated that this is necessary whenever there is the possibility of meeting people outside the family unit coexisting, therefore also among friends and colleagues.

Someone wondering when and where is it possible remove or lower the bezel take a breath of oxygen; there are several hypotheses, for example for drink and eat, rate sport activity, by bicycle and scooter and during walks in the countryside or in the mountains.

Here are all the cases in which the mask can be removed and the people exempted from the obligation.

Eating and drinking: when the mask can be removed outdoors

The rule of wearing a protective mask, indoors and outdoors, finds aexception when it comes to eat and drink, activities that are necessary and cannot be stopped due to the coronavirus. However, this does not mean that it should be “abused”: the outdoor mask can be removed only for the time necessary to finish the meal and quench thirst.

Is it possible to remove the mask to smoke?

This is a question that pertains to tobacco and e-cigarette smokers. How do you smoke if it is mandatory to keep the mask outdoors?

In reality, no national or local provision explicitly foresees that the mask cannot be lowered for smoking and, therefore, this practice has been allowed until now, both on the stop and on the street. It remains to be seen whether the government will decide to impose more restrictive measures in the next DPCM.

Children under 6 years

Children up to 6 years are exempt from the obligation wear the mask outdoors and indoors. This is due both to the objective difficulty of enforcing the correct and continuous use of the mask, and to the fact that it is statistically proven that children are less at risk than adults, even if infection cannot be excluded a priori.

Parents, if they consider it appropriate, can buy smaller masks suitable for children under 6 years of age or cover the respiratory tract in another way, for example with a scarf. In any case, children must fully respect social distancing and the prohibition of meetings.

Jogging and outdoor sports: the mask can be removed

Sandra Zampa, undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, specified that the mask is not mandatory during outdoor sports as there is a risk of lack of oxygen.

Who does it should not use it jogging in the city and in the park, who goes by bicycle and not even who walk in desolate places such as country roads, forests and trails. You can remove the mask in the garden and in your own vegetable garden.

By scooter, bicycle and scooter

Those who drive motorcycles and mopeds or ride a bicycle or electric scooter cannot wear the mask. In fact, no rule explicitly provides for obligation even if, as in all circumstances, common sense must be used. It’s one thing to drive at high speed on uncrowded streets, it’s another to keep up with the crowd (as is often the case on a scooter). For this, it is a good practice to have the protective mask always practical, even better if it’s on the chin, so you can use it when stopping to park or slow down.

Although there are no precise indications in the ministerial decrees, in our opinion the mask should be worn as much as possible, therefore also on a scooter (if the helmet is not integral), on a scooter and on a bicycle (if it is not one intense physical activity).

Without mask for people with incompatible pathologies and disabilities

People with are always exempt from the obligation to wear a mask. disabilities incompatible with use of the same. Furthermore, in accordance with article 3 of the Prime Minister’s Decree of April 26, 2020, not even the caregivers and assistants of the disabled people affected.

This is because the mask can increase fatigue and the risk of breathing difficulties, this applies outdoors, in public places and open to the public, in means of transport and indoors. People in wheelchairs, those forced to move with a walker and those with neurological or chronic disabilities that compromise physical and / or respiratory capacity should not use the mask. The ban on meetings and social distancing also continues for the disabled.
