Possible vaccination within the year. Last News


The curve of the gods keeps growing contagion in Italy, where 2,677 cases and 28 deaths were registered on Tuesday, October 6, bringing the total to 330,263 and 36,030 since the beginning of the epidemic. Increasing the tampons made, about 100,000 in the last 24 hours. This is what came out of the latest newsletter from Ministry of Health. The Campania It is the region with the most significant increase in positive aspects, so Governor De Luca decided to speed up the nightlife with early closure of bars and restaurants, followed by Lombardy, Lazio and Veneto. Here is the detail region by region:

Lombardy: +350 (108,666 cases in total)

Piedmont: +259 (36,571 cases in total)

Emilia-Romagna: +172 (36,261 cases in total)

Veneto: +189 (29,043 cases in total)

Lazio: +275 (18,032 cases in total)

Tuscany: +209 (15,973 cases in total)

Campania: +395 (15,163 cases in total)

Liguria: +170 (14,146 total cases)

Brands: +35 (8,200 boxes in total)

Puglia: +106 (8,423 cases in total)

Sicily: +198 (8,007 cases in total)

Trento: +40 (6,264 cases in total)

Friuli Venezia Giulia: +51 (4,962 cases in total)

Abruzzo: +48 (4,655 cases in total)

Sardinia: +63 (4,380 cases in total)

Bolzano: +17 (3,679 cases in total)

Umbria: +62 (2,757 cases in total)

Calabria: +23 (2,109 cases in total)

Valle d’Aosta: +5 (1,351 cases in total)

Basilicata: +4 (938 cases in total)

Molise: +6 (683 cases in total)

Expected today, meanwhile, the Cabinet in view of the expansion of state of emergency and for the launch of new dpcm with the anti-Covid measures, whose approval by the CDM itself and the consequent signature of President Giuseppe Conte is subject to the conclusion of the parliamentary debate on the decree that, in fact, will end this morning in Camera. More expensive required outdoors immediately, with Many from 400 to a thousand euros for those who do not respect the provision. Meanwhile, while infections in the world reach 35,733,340, the World Health Organization announces that there is hope of having a vaccine against the Coronavirus before the end of the year. Europe remains concerned: a Sedan The Senate of the German capital has decided to close all restaurants and bars from 11pm to 6am, while the Scotland Starting at 6pm on Friday, you will observe a two-week mini-close.
