(ANSA) – ROME, OCTOBER 07 – The coronavirus outbreak at the White House could have been prevented and is proof that the pandemic is not a hoax: the immunologist, a member of the US administration’s working group against Covid, said yesterday -19, Anthony Fauci, according to CNN.
“Take a look at what happened this week in the White House. This is a reality. And with each passing day, more and more infected people appear,” Fauci noted while speaking with students at American University: “It is not a hoax. It’s an unpleasant situation when we see things like that, because it could have been avoided.
Responding to a student’s question asking him what to say to family and friends who don’t believe in the pandemic, Fauci added: “Right now we have 210,000 people who have died and 7.3 million people who have been infected. Worldwide, more than a million people have died. This is not a hoax. ” And then: “You can’t say that people around the world and American allies are lying and calling it a hoax – it’s reality.” (HANDLE).