Would be more than 20,000 lies this president of the valley Donald trump since the day he entered the White House in 2016, beating his opponent Hillary Clinton. To be exact, the American mogul allegedly made 20,055 false claims in just 1,267 days, according to the American newspaper. Washington Post, with a average over 15 per day.
The myriad of lies gave rise to an art installation called “Wall of lies“, a wall where all the lies of Trump were collected, located in New York, in Brooklyn neighborhood.
Wall of lies, Trump’s 20,000 lies
Since his election, the current president of the United States has made more than 20,000 false claims, according to the database of The fact checker. On the exposed wall in New York they would have been transcribed all the lies or the misleading information declared by Trump in recent years, further compounded by insane claims about the Coronavirus and the Black Lives Matter movement, as well as his political opponents.
In Brooklyn this weekend @radiofreebk erected a 50-foot-long mural with all of the claims listed in our Trump false or misleading claims database, color-coded by theme. The database is also the source for our best-selling book, “Donald Trump and His Assault on Truth.” pic.twitter.com/ey70JZ3Feh
– Glenn Kessler (@GlennKesslerWP) October 4, 2020
At the moment it seems that the repeated lie several times by Trump, about 360 times, both the first and theThe United States economy is currently the best in history. The first time she made this statement was in June 2018, and in no time it became one of her favorites. Also, if you previously claimed that the current economy was the best in American history, you have recently started to claim that “The best economy in the history of the world”.
Clearly this type of claim no confirmation neither in history books nor in economics books. In fact, the American economy, even in the pre-pandemic phase, was no better than that of Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson or Bill Clinton or Ulysses S. Grant, says the New York Times, adding that the economy under Trump’s presidency had already experienced setbacks caused by the president’s various trade wars, which have had serious repercussions throughout the manufacturing sector.

The second statement repeated by Trump, 261 times, is that his border wall is under construction. This claim is also false, as Congress refused to build a concrete barrier, opting for a metal fence. Easily breakable according to Washington Post, although the president assures that it is impossible to overcome it. While the third the most repeated statement refers to the greatest tax reduction in the history of the United States.