Dpcm October Covid, Hope: “Masks even outdoors, infections uphill”


Rome, October 6, 2020 – “Italy is doing better at the moment” compared to many other European countries “, together with Germany it is holding up the best second wave of coronavirus but we must not be under any illusions. It would be profoundly wrong to imagine oneself outside of it. “Thus, the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, illustrated to both the House and the Senate the content of the new Dpcm for the containment of the Covid-19 pandemic, whose essential rules will be “masks even outdoors, prohibition of meetings and hand washing “.

Too many silences about the sick: what is hidden from us?

The House lacks a quorum

But it is the quorum was absent twice in the House vote on the resolutions related to the communications of Minister Speranza regarding the extension to January 31 of the state of health emergency. Once he ruled by 15, the other by 8 votes. In both cases, the center-right (which is glad) did not participate in the vote to eliminate the quorum. Finally, the session was postponed for tomorrow. am 41 majority deputies quarantined, which therefore cannot participate in the sessions. The center-left asks that they be considered ‘on mission’ and therefore be removed from the quorum calculation, as had already been done in March for the deputies of the red zones. Meanwhile, green light from the Senate.

Contagions on the rise

“In two months there has been a leap forward, a significant increase “in infected people and hospitalizations for Covid-19, highlighted the head of the health department. “Currently there are 58,900 positive people, on August 6 there were 12,600. There are 3,487 hospitalized with symptoms, while patients in intensive care are 323”, against “30 in the summer. Sustainable figures for the National Health Service”, which without However, you must not fool anyone. The phase has also changed in Italy, stressed the minister. “Middle ages of infected people, who in the past were between 65 and 70 years old, at this time he is 41 years old, and it is clear that a younger person is better able to resist “the attack of the virus,” said Speranza, recalling that in these difficult months, the most fragile people, the elderly and those who they suffer from other diseases ”. . But above all “we will have to pay attention to intrafamilial contagion“.

Coronavirus Italy, the newsletter for October 6

Extension of the state of emergency

The assessment of the Chairman of the Board of extend the state of emergency until January 31 “It corresponds to the situation in which the country finds itself”, Hope continued, explaining that “in the world the infected exceed 35 million with more than 1 million deaths, and the ECDC places Italy in 45th position”.

Outdoor masks

“There is a generalized, generalized growth that affects all territories and, therefore, no region can feel outside of the risks that the entire country runs.” The minister then confirmed that, “in the Dpcm that we are about to adopt, we are evaluating the extension of the obligation to wear masks even outdoors.”

Meetings ban

“We work to increase the levels of control because meetings are a real risk that we cannot afford – said Speranza. “After the masks”, the second rule that is fundamental and that we have learned in recent months is that of a distance of at least one meter and the prohibition of collecting. These are norms already in force in our country that, however, we must do as much as possible within this season of resumption of contagion “due to the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus.”


“We have to remember the essential rules like the handwashing, in addition to the use of masks, this is the dpcm that we will approve tomorrow -speranza added-. It would be profoundly wrong to divide ourselves into these, which are the indications of the scientific community to try to fight the virus ”. According to the Minister of Health, also “we need the maximum distribution between the State and the Regions. We need more coordination. “

Immune application

“In the last few days we have seen an increase in the use of Immune application“Speranza stressed.” Let me thank the media, the Italian publishers – said the minister – also for the important contribution they have made to strengthen the App Immune campaign. It is one of the tools we have to strengthen tracking ”, as“ of course our national health service which, from my point of view, is the strongest weapon we have ”.

Covid and the school

“It is still early for a final judgment on the school but the first data indicate a low impact at this time, a good retention capacity,” said Speranza, thanking “the entire school community and in particular the teachers, principals, who They are doing unprecedented work. “” The cases are there and will continue to be in the coming weeks – he added – they will be evaluated and monitored. But the protocols identified and approved with the unanimous vote of the Regions are solid and, if they are vigorously respected, they can let us win the game. ”


“The vaccine It will come, not today, not tomorrow morning. We still face months of resistance. You see the light but still takes a few months“Speranza said.” I believe – he explained – that the world scientific community will give us in due course “an answer about the vaccine and anti-Covid treatments. So the invitation for” Italy to get the best of itself. “The minister stressed once again how Italy proved, in the most difficult months, in March, April and May, “to be a great country” and once again invited all Italians to “regain that spirit of unity”, from here until we see the light. We must unite Italy, no one should be left out. “
