Matter of numbers. An iceberg of cases COVID-19 has yet to appear. According to the World Health Organization, Hundreds of millions of people may have already been infected. from the new coronavirus, much more than the approximately 35 million recorded by official counts. “Our current best estimates tell us that approximately 10% of the world’s population he may have been infected with this virus», The chief of emergency operations of thewho Mike Ryan on the Executive Board of the United Nations Agency.
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Currently, 7.800 million people live on our planet, according to United Nations statistics. But the percentage of people with Covid-19 varies between countries, between cities and urban areas and between social groups, Ryan said. While the actual number of cases is likely to be much higher than reported, the WHO estimate means that the vast majority of people do not have antibodies and are still at risk of contracting Covid-19, Ryan noted.
Last updated: 19:17