The lawyer from Napoli, Mattia Grassani, Interviewed by The mattino He spoke again about the possible defeat for the game lost to Juve: “It is not enough to not appear on the pitch to be defeated at the table, the question remains to be verified. There are clear objective questions that in our opinion do not could automatically trigger such an arrangement. You must always remember that Napoli wanted to play, they simply asked for a postponement because they have twenty people inside who have been quarantined. According to the documents produced by the company, we believe that the conditions existed to play the race in Another date. Needless to say, we would not agree with the measure at all. We will not accept it and therefore we will take all possible and imaginable ways to assert our motives. Then we will arrive at the Sports Court and Coni. It would be illogical to put first a football match to your health. In fact, it would be offensive. How many days do you have to wait before starting? the sports judge announced? I could do it over the weekend. You have to carefully evaluate the file in your hands. The team was caught in the middle: in any case, it would have ignored one of two provisions: either it respected the protocols or it was outlawed. The company tried friendly mediation requesting a postponement, but the message was not received. At this point it was decided to submit to the competent authorities ”.
Common sense message not received: “We have transmitted the decisions of the ASL and the Campania Region to FIGC, Lega and Juventus, asking, with humility and sportsmanship, that the League take note of this exceptional fact and order the postponement of the match to avoid all those controversies that instead are arriving on time “.
Why did Napoli, unlike other similar cases, not leave?
“Because in the hours that preceded the team’s departure, a series of sudden events took place. I remember them: two communications from the ASL in quick succession and the order of the regional chief of staff that prohibited the exit. Before long it was necessary to make a decision: either to respect state laws or to play the game facing criminal penalties. Is it a risk you could take? In our opinion, no. I do not judge the behavior of other clubs or even the provisions of other ASLs. In these cases to move, a team needs an exemption from the Region, Napoli did not have it, on the contrary they only had five communications in hand, which highlighted the lack of necessary conditions to face the trip. The health authority intervened when the head of the team’s health staff communicated the two positive aspects, one of which concerned the footballer Zielinski. Only from this moment was the Cov id protocol launched, which still refers to the old circular issued in June. It contains very specific provisions that Napoli have always scrupulously followed, in fact we have never been accused of non-compliance. The behavior of the club was impeccable. ”
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