With 148 votes in favor, 117 against and no abstention, the Senate, on Tuesday, October 6, renewed its confidence in the Government, approving the 1,900 amendment that fully replaces Legislative Decree No. 1925 of conversion into law of decree-law n. 104 (August decree), the examination of which began during the October 5 session.
The measure goes to the Chamber examination.
School measures
Among the measures aimed at schools, the August Decree provides an additional allocation of one billion for the ‘Measures for the construction of schools, for community agreements and for the adaptation of teaching activities for the 2020-2021 school year’.
It is expected that “The fund mentioned in article 235 of the decree-law of May 19, 2020, n.34, converted with amendments by law July 17, 2020, n.77, increased by 400 million euros in 2020 and 600 million euros in 2021 “.
So it is expected that during the 2020/2021 school year, “School institutions enter into agreements with local authorities at the same time as specific community agreements, collaboration agreements, including with cultural, sports and third sector institutions, or with the properly integrated territorial plans referred to in article 19 of the Law 8 November 2000, n.328, in order to extend the students’ stay at school, alternating educational activities with recreational, cultural, artistic, choreographic, musical and motor activities ”.
And so “The replacement of personnel from the first day of absence. To allow this replacement from the first day of absence, a provision equivalent to ten percent is made in the resources allocated for this purpose, as well as a general increase”; “To carry out additional services provided by the administrative staff of the Ministry of Education and educational institutions engaged in the start-up operations of the 2020/2021 school year.”
As already mentioned yesterday, The possibility of dismissing staff without compensation in the event of suspension of teaching will be eliminated.. Not only: there will be space for the inclusion of school personnel with an agile and flexible way of working. This form of work was introduced in the public sectors to ensure greater conciliation between the need for continuity in the provision of services in favor of users and the protection and safety of workers. Previously, school personnel were excluded from this form of work.
Organic Covid, there will no longer be layoffs in case of closure. Amendment text approved [ANTEPRIMA]