
In times of pandemics like the one we are experiencing, relying on science is the only solution, if necessary by forcing people to respect the rules. He thinks yes Piero Angela, dean of Italian television and one of the most influential personalities in culture, who on the occasion of the presentation of the new series of Superquark +, Ten episodes already available on RaiPlay, he spoke about the situation we are experiencing, without skimping on the issue of denial of the virus: “They are victims of misinformation – Angela said, speaking of those who support positions of this type – Some are recoverable, others are not. In the demonstrations against the masks there were four cats and in the long run there will be even fewer. The solution, for the creator of the historic Superquark and pioneer of scientific and cultural broadcasting on television, does not include half measures:
We need the army in the street to ask for respect for distances and for intimate citizens to wear a mask. You don’t have to carry the disease.
“Whoever does not wear a mask is like a contactor – continued Piero Angela speaking about the virus and the risks it entails – We must protect ourselves from this, I think there is not enough pressure on the public to respect the waiting rules. When there is a virus that comes from who knows where and against which we have no defense, it is a problem. The mask and social distancing are very useful while waiting for a vaccine ”. Respect for the rules and controls, the recipe to face this transition phase that should lead us, hopefully, towards a vaccine, goes through these principles, which, however, must be strictly observed:
We certainly cannot jail anyone who does not wear a mask, but it is important to make sure the rules are followed. It’s a deadly virus, you can’t just tell people: put on a mask.
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