Covid, Conte: ‘Battle not won, maximum attention’ – Politics


“The battle is not won, the threshold of attention must remain at the maximum even in the next weeks and months”. This was said by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in a passage, about Covid, from his speech to Confcooperative the day that the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, about the measures to contain the covid. For its part, the center-right emphasizes that the Government is committed “to condition the possible extension of the state of emergency that expires on October 15, 2020 to a broad and in-depth parliamentary debate – in the presence of the prime minister – on the real needs of them and on the reasons for the “possible measure.” It is the first commitment of the resolution presented by the center-right after the communications from Minister Roberto Speranza on the management of the coronavirus pandemic.

There is an objective worsening phase and in this phase, Italy has been in trouble but for 9 weeks it has had a tendency to increase the number of cases. In addition, in the first phase the virus had hit a specific area of ​​the country, now there is an element of novelty because there is no longer a dynamic of territoriality, with one part of the country highly affected and another only marginally affected. . In this second phase this is no longer the case and there is a generalized and generalized growth and no reality is out of the question. We need the maximum attention in all corners of the country ”. We need to re-establish – added Speranza – the maximum collaboration between the State and the regions, with which we had a meeting and before signing the Dpcm we will have another. the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, illustrating to the Chamber the content of the new dpcm for the containment of the Covid-19 pandemic.

At the Dpcm we continuously evaluate the extension of the obligation of masks even outdoors in each situation where there is a risk of finding people who do not live together“added the minister.

“We are working to increase the levels of control – continued Speranza – because meetings are a real risk that we cannot afford. We must remember the essential rules such as hand washing, in addition to the use of masks, this is the dpcm that we will approve tomorrow. It would be deeply wrong to divide into these, which are the indications of the scientific community to try to combat the virus.

I think it is still too early for a definitive judgment on the country’s ability to maintain a low level of contagion in schools, but the first numbers indicate low impact and good sealability. The cases – according to Speranza – are and will be in the coming weeks but the protocols that we have identified at this time are solid and if they are strictly respected they can allow us to manage the school game.

In two months – added the Minister of Health – there was a significant leap forward cases: 3,487 are currently hospitalized and we have 323 people in intensive care. These numbers are now sustainable for our NHS. It is clear that in the face of the most difficult days with 4 thousand people in intensive care the situation is manageable but we cannot help but see the trend. The virus circulates and continues to send people into a state of great suffering. In addition, in the first phase the average age of the cases was 70 years, now it is 41 years, also in this case the trend cannot give us peace of mind because in August the average age was 31 years ”.

Minister Speranza later specified that “our testing capacity is being strengthened and we have passed 120 thousand tests per day. In addition to classical molecular tests, we have also used antigen tests from airports since August and these tests have also been extended outside of airports. My hope is that we can get to the use of saliva tests as soon as possible, especially with regard to the youngest ”. The next few months, the minister stressed, “will not be easy but they will be months of coexistence awaiting treatment.”

“I think we have to recover and fully recover the spirit of national unity and the spirit of March, when the country came together and knew how to be united. in recent months Italy has proven to be a great country and I think the time has come to show it again ”.
