With the growth of infections, the government wants to avoid scaremongering, but not to lower attention. The Scientific Technical Committee has finished the document Preparation, or preparation, on the guidelines to face the next wave of Coronavirus. The study will be presented tomorrow to the Regions and presents four scenarios by level of severity on the trend of infections and how to face the health emergency.
Goes, as anticipated The Republic – low to high risk if the increase continues for more than three weeks. The former, therefore, sees low virus circulation with small outbreaks and an Rt below 1. The measures to be taken in this circumstance range from case tracking to individual standard precautions.
In the second scenario, the circulation of Coronavirus remains the same as the outbreaks. However, the health system can handle the workload. But, already in this situation, the document foresees for the Regions the possibility of imposing localized red zones. Instead, the third scenario sees an ever-growing RT. Cases and outbreaks are also increasing and the healthcare system is at risk.
In the fourth and last step of severity, the TR has been above 1.5 for at least three weeks and there is a “criticality in the stability of the health system in the short term.” In this case, large red zones must be created and schools, universities and other activities closed.
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