The confirmation of all the anti-contagion measures planned so far, the introduction of the obligation of outdoor masks, the extension of the state of emergency until January 31, the absence of a new grip on the premises are the pillars of the measure. which must have a duration of 30 days. A new discussion is also scheduled today with local authorities about the measures. And tonight the council of ministers will meet for the final touches on the arrangement, which will be signed by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte tomorrow night, as confirmed by the Health Minister.
Coronavirus, the government blocks the borders. Campania is the region with the highest risk
Speranza also underlines the need for greater coordination between the State and the Regions, because “today the novelty is that there is no longer a dynamic of territoriality, with a part of the country highly affected and the rest only marginally affected, but there is generalized growth and marginalized: no region can feel out of risk. ” In light of these premises, continues the Minister of Health, the Prime Minister’s assessment of extending the state of emergency until January 31 “corresponds to the situation in which the country finds itself.” For this reason, the dpcm that the government is about to adopt “evaluates the extension of the obligation of masks even in the open air.” The social distancing measures, the prohibition of social gatherings – for which “the levels of controls will be increased” – and the frequent disinfection of hands are also confirmed. “Here politics has nothing to do, the left and the right have nothing to do,” Speranza adds, “it would be a mistake to divide. We must remain united in the face of the scientific community’s indications. We must avoid a dynamic that could endanger our national health system. In two months we went from 30 hospitalizations in intensive care to 323. In addition, in the first phase the average age of the cases was 70 years, now it is 41 years, even in this case the trend cannot make us rest because in August the average age was 31 years. “
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As for the schools, the “choice to keep them open was the right one – continues the Minister of Health – and the first data released by the Ministry of Education shows for now a low level of contagion” and at the moment manageable. “For the vaccine it takes months”, which will be “resistance”. But Italy is ahead in treatments: “They talk less about them than vaccines, but important work is also being done in treatments and Italy is also at the forefront here.” Then he concludes with a call to unity: “Health security is the first brick on which the restart of the country and the economic challenge are built. The next few months will not be easy and we must regain the spirit of national community that has followed us in the last few weeks. difficult, in March and April, when Italy joined a cohort. ”
Confirm outdoor masks
The government accepts the requests of the majority of the governors and does not go beyond the tightening of the obligation of outdoor masks and the hypothesis of maxi-fines for offenders.
No to the early closure of bars and restaurants
There is no ‘curfew’ that provides for reduced hours for facilities. But the draft document shows the possibility of “selective” closures of sectors -including bars and restaurants- and new measures of social distancing in the face of an “adverse scenario” of infections.
Stop at the Regions on the least restrictive rules and controls
The hypothesis regarding the prohibition of the Regions to adopt less restrictive anti-contagion regulations than those of the government and the impulse towards an increase in police controls, possibly also supported by the military, remains firm. And the idea of tougher fines is still on the table.
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Soft solution on the capacity of sports facilities
The debate remains open with the Regions on the quota of presences in sports facilities. The ‘soft’ motion of the governors prevails over the indications of the CTS itself and the president of the Conference of Regions, Stefano Bonaccini, assures that he trusts in “a thoughtful solution on the issue of capacity” in sports facilities, theaters and spaces for events. The idea of the president of Puglia Emiliano is to exceed the absolute number of presences (so far the limit is one thousand outdoors and two hundred indoors) and instead “refer to a percentage”, hypothesized by some around 10% the capacity of the structures individual. The maximum quota of 80% of passengers allowed on buses does not change for now – guarantees the Minister of Transport De Michelis.
Outside the choir is the Governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca, who after being among the first to impose the obligation of an outdoor mask in the region announces another restrictive order for bars, ice cream parlors, pastry shops and similar establishments: they must be closed , with immediate effect and until October 20, from 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. the following day.
Reactivation of the Civil Protection Operational Committee
From north to south, once again the costs of the increase in infections are the hospitals: according to the last bulletin of the last 24 hours, 16 victims and 2,257 new positives were registered (yesterday they were 2,578), the result of only 60,241 tests. Also for this reason, Civil Protection has reactivated the Operating Committee, the same one that dealt with the first months of the Covid emergency. In a first meeting, which involved a control with the regions to verify the impact on health facilities and the acquisition of materials, no particular critical problems were identified. But the task force will now meet again on a regular basis: they are signs of a shakeup that sees the country once again take up arms against the second Covid breakthrough. The virus has also ‘crossed’ the classrooms of the Consultation: the public hearing of the Constitutional Court, already scheduled for tomorrow with a long-awaited case on civil unions on the agenda, has been postponed to a new role after the verification of four cases of infection.