The situation coronavirus in Italy it is better than in other countries, but attention must be kept high and there must be no illusions. The Minister of Health is convinced of this, Roberto Speranza, which in the Room illustrated the content of the new Dpcm for the containment of the pandemic from COVID-19. “It is clear to everyone that the international and national situation marks a phase change compared to recent months. In the world, those infected exceed 35 million with more than 1 million deaths, and the ECDC places Italy in 45th place – said the minister – In all countries there is a change of direction and restrictive measures are being restored: Italy is better at the moment and is holding up better this second wave, but we should not be under any illusions and it would be a mistake to believe that we are out of it because of the figures.
Covid Italia, tomorrow the Dpcm: outdoor mask but without curfew for bars and restaurants
In the Dpcm «We evaluate the extent of the obligation of masks also outdoors. Continuously in any situation where there is a risk of encountering people who do not live together», said the minister who added: «Lwe are working to increase the levels of control because meetings are a real risk that we cannot afford. We must remember the essential rules such as hand washing, as well as the use of masks. It would be deeply wrong to divide into these that are the indications of the scientific community to try to fight the virus.».
Maximum attention
Therefore, according to the minister, «a phase of objective worsening and within this phase Italy is better, but for 9 weeks the trend has been an increase in the number of cases. Furthermore, in a first phase the virus had hit a specific area of the country, now there is an element of novelty because there is no longer a dynamic of territoriality, with one part of the country highly affected and another only marginally affected. In this second phase this is no longer the case and there is a generalized and generalized growth and no reality is out of the question. We need the maximum attention in every corner of the country.». In short, for hope “secondIt is necessary to reestablish maximum collaboration between the State and the Regions, with which we had a meeting and before signing the Dpcm we will have another».
“Low impact on schools”
«I think it is still early to make a final judgment on the country’s ability to maintain a low level of infection in schools, but the first numbers indicate low impact and good resilience. There are cases and there will be in the coming weeks, but the protocols that we have identified at this time are strong and if strictly adhered to, they can allow us to manage the school game.».
The test boom
“We are strengthening our testing capacity, which is known as a fundamental weapon to manage this transition phase. In recent days, we have exceeded the threshold of 120,000 daily tests. A threshold much higher than the one we had previously reached, ”said Speranza. “The last time I was in the classroom, we had set the record threshold of that time at 100,000 and now we are at 120,000 and we still have to work to grow and make our testing capacity the strongest, fastest and fastest as fast as possible”. Says the minister. “In addition to the classic molecular tests, which represent the gold standard, the most solid reference for diagnosis – Speranza lists – we have been using antigen tests since August 13, based on the experience of airports. It has been an experience that we have been testing for several weeks and that has given encouraging results. With a circular from the Ministry of Health we have extended the scope of use also abroad, starting precisely from the places where rapid and rapid testing capacity is essential.
As for controls on those arriving from countries at risk, “we will adapt the government’s measures according to the epidemiological evolution of individual countries.” The hope, he concludes, “is that we can also reach a significant use of salivary tests, which have a great advantage, that is, they are less invasive than the classic swab, and can put us in better conditions of use, especially with respect to a minor “.
Last update: 11:26