There is no curfew for bars and restaurants and there are no additional limits for private parties such as weddings, christenings and birthdays. The government, in order to “avoid unnecessary dramatizations” and not harm the catering sector already seriously affected by the pandemic, will only include the obligation of an external mask throughout the national territory in the new Dpcm. With a toughening of sanctions. In addition, the state of emergency will be extended, as announced, until January 31.
“For now we limit ourselves to promoting greater controls in the streets, also thanks to the use of the army, and to reduce the risk of contagion with the mask outdoors,” agreed Giuseppe Conte and the competent ministers, “but the guard remains high. Yes there is a worsening of the epidemic curve, we will intervene quickly with new restrictive measures. “” We chose the line of gradualness, playing all the cartridges immediately would have been a mistake, “explains a source who attends the Covid dossier,” then what would we do if, as is likely, in a few days the situation worsens? We cannot reach a total blockade … “.
Covid, rules of chaos: protocols, sports and schools here is the babel of local dictations: 99 ASL in no particular order
The latest figures push the government to a softer and “gradual” contraction compared to the forecast of the day before: 2,257 new infections (there were almost 3,000 on Saturday), with a decidedly low number of tampons (about 60,000). And, above all, pressure from the Democratic Party, Italia Viva, the opposition and some regional presidents, the Ligurian Giovanni Toti at the helm. All very cautious (in fact, opposed) regarding the introduction of the night curfew to stop the nightlife and a new repression of the social gatherings.
To illustrate the extension of the state of emergency and the content of the Dpcm that will last 30 days and will follow that of September 7, the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, will be in Parliament today: the prime minister preferred to pass his hand in order not to become the target of controversy. . Then, after the vote of the Chambers on the communications of the Chief of Health, today the state of emergency will be launched, while tomorrow the Dpcm will be signed after having decided to increase the sanction for those who do not wear the mask outdoors.
It must be said that on Saturday Speranza and Conte, after a telephone conversation, had made it clear that too strict measures would not be introduced. But the rumor about the curfew for bars and restaurants has unleashed the reaction of some governors (including Zingaretti) that from now on they will only be able to dictate more restrictive ordinances than those of the government, Matteo Salvini and unions. Hence the slowdown and the need for negations erga omnes.
Palazzo Chigi thought about it first, in the middle of the afternoon: “There is no intention on the part of the government to close restaurants, bars and clubs as they say in some newspapers, nor to anticipate their closing time by introducing a curfew. Later, it was Conte himself who illustrated the line of «cautious prudence» to Settestorie (Rai1): «We are in a different situation than the initial phase, the most acute. It is clear that the infection continues, but I can say that we are sure to keep it under control because we have a strengthened health system and we have developed a very sophisticated monitoring system that will allow us, when necessary, to intervene in a focused and limited way. So when I say that I do not see a new blockage on the horizon, I do not mean it in a spirit of careless optimism.
However, a further tightening is very likely in the coming days, given that on Friday the Ministry of Health and the Higher Institute of Health denounced the “real risk of rapid deterioration.” It is so probable that in the note for the Update of the Economic and Financial Document (Nadef) examined last night by the Council of Ministers it is written in black and white: “In the risk scenario, the recovery of infections observed from August would worsen significantly in the last months of 2020, which also leads to the achievement of alert levels in terms of hospital admissions. This would induce the government to reintroduce selective closures of certain sectors and measures of social distancing ”. Phrase, the latter, which also heralds the possibility of a halt, “in case of a serious worsening of the situation”, as one minister says, “of some productive sectors. And the limitation of the activities of bars and restaurants, plus the introduction of caps on the number of participants in weddings, baptisms and birthday parties.
Last updated: 08:49