Dismissal fund: to obtain the 9 additional weeks introduced by the August decree after the first 9, 18 in total with the extension, comes a INPS message with the instructions in the countryside.
the message no. 3525 of October 1, 2020 explains how to request the 9 additional weeks of ordinary dismissals, in derogation or ordinary check with reason “COVID-19 with billing” after the explanatory circular a few days before with the extension of the term for the first 9.
The INPS message focuses precisely on the last 9 weeks of layoffs that can only be requested after obtaining authorization for the first 9 of the August decree, now in its stage of becoming law.
Obtain the 9 extra weeks for periods of suspension or reduction of work activity within the term that goes July 13, 2020 to December 31, 2020, after the first 9, no fees it is necessary to have had a reduction in billing equal to or greater than 20%.
A additional contribution instead, it will be due to reductions in turnover of less than 20%, which is the reason for the introduction of the new ratio.
Dismissal fund: the last 9 weeks
The instructions for requesting layoffs for the last 9 weeks introduced by the August decree are provided with the last INPS message of October 1.
Introduced by article 1 of the August decree, the extension of the redundancy fund is 18 weeks (9 + 9). The INPS in the message recalls that although the use of the first 9 weeks of treatments is allowed indiscriminately to all employers who reduce or suspend their work activity due to the epidemiological emergency, the second additional period of 9 weeks can only be requested by employers to whom you have already been fully authorized the previous period 9 weeks and provided that it has expired in its entirety.
Employers who also want the last 9 weeks must submit an INPS dismissal request for “COVID-19 with rotation” reason, with a statement of responsibility with which self-certify reduction of turnover.
Therefore, they must declare, comparing the turnover of the first half of 2020 with the same period of 2019, that they are one of the following terms:
- not having suffered a drop in billing;
- have had a decrease in turnover of less than 20%;
- having suffered a drop in billing equal to or greater than 20%;
- have started business after January 1, 2019.
On the basis of this self-declaration, the INPS establishes the additional tax to be paid.
Request for layoffs “COVID-19 with billing”
INPS explains what procedures for submitting the request for dismissal “COVID-19 with billing”.
The company or consultant must submit the request exclusively electronically on the INPS site using the Online Services accessible to the type of user with the following route: “Companies, consultants and professionals”, in “Services for companies and consultants”> “ Cig and solidarity funds ”.
The INPS as of October 1 no longer issues new PINs, so to access the service for the request for the redundancy fund, the credentials are the following:
- SPID level 2 or higher;
- Electronic Identity Card 3.0 (CIE);
- National Service Charter (CNS).
Once authenticated, depending on the type of dismissal fund to request, for the purposes of submitting the request, the procedures to observe are the following:
- Ordinary termination fund: from “CIG and funds” to the item “Ordinary CIG”, the application is acquired with the usual methods, indicating the new “COVID-19 with billing” as reason;
- Dismissal fund in derogation: from “CIG and funds” to the item “CIG in derogation INPS”, in the section “submission of applications”, indicating the type of request “INPS derogation” or “multi-location derogation”, enter the registration number of the company and in the type of request you choose “Extension 9 weeks with billing”;
- Ordinary check: from “CIG and funds” to the heading “Solidarity funds”, in the section “sending requests” choose the type of intervention “ordinary check 005 COVID-19”, enter the registration number of the company and the application is entered in the application it is necessary to choose the reason “COVID-19 with billing” from the drop-down menu.
We attach below the INPS message that can be downloaded in PDF about the last 9 weeks of layoffs and the application with the reason for “COVID-19 with billing.”
- Message number 3525 dated 01-10-2020.pdf
- Message 3525 Ordinary dismissal fund (CIGO), dismissal fund in abrogation (CIGD) and ordinary check (ASO) with reason “COVID-19 with invoicing”. How to submit requests.