
Must be signed on Wednesday
We have entered the week of the new Dpcm. There will be a tightening to try to contain the figures of the Covid pandemic.
At Palazzo Chigi last night, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte met with the heads of delegation of the majority parties Dario Franceschini, Roberto Speranza, Alfonso Bonafede, Teresa Bellanova.
The moment of the new Dpcm
Tomorrow, Tuesday, October 6, the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, will report to the Chambers, then the Council of Ministers will adopt the Dpcm that will be signed by the Prime Minister. Then the confrontation in Parliament.
More expensive
It is almost certain that in the Dpcm it will be mandatory to wear masks even outdoors, as has already been decided, for example, in Lazio and Sicily.
Parties and banquets
Private parties, as well as banquets for weddings, baptisms and other events may have a small number of guests and participants.
The government could foresee the early closure of nightclubs at 11 p.m. to avoid gatherings that are beyond the control of the police forces. This is a drastic measure whereby there are voices of dissent within the government.
“Avoid a new lockdown”
As explained by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, the measures of the new Dpcm aim to “avoid a new confinement that we should not allow ourselves.