
me 36 billion Month must be taken. The president of theEmilia Romagna Stefano Bonaccini: “It would be inexplicable to give up the European funds of the Month for our health.” Like him, the Democratic Party is also in favor of this loan, but the other ruling force, the 5 star movement, which repeatedly said no to the $ 36 billion fund. The grillini only seem interested in 209 milliardi from the recovery fund, which, however, will arrive in our country only in the first or second semester of 2021. According to the governor, the money of the Month could be spent on building new hospitals, health homes, hiring staff and buying state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment tools: “How do we explain to Italians that all this does not happen just to internal divisions the mayority? “, and then the thrust against the pentastellati:” The 5 stars must be placed in front of your responsibility: take the question to Parliament and there you will understand who really says no and why. “That is why, Bonaccini, in an interview with Print welcomes the request of the leader of the Democratic Party Nicola Zingaretti to accelerate government action.
The president of Emilia, however, does not agree with Zingaretti on a possible reform of the title V of the Constitution, which would remove the powers of the regions by re-centralizing some functions, especially in health sector: “I don’t think that reassignment of functions is the most effective model. I think instead we need to strengthen clearinghouses. We need common principles, essential levels of performance or unity of action, especially in the face of a pandemic. But if we had had one state administration of healthcare here in Emilia Romagna would have been definitely worse “. On the strict measures that the government is studying to stop the second wave of Covid, Bonaccini says that he has nothing against it, but warns the executive: “There is nothing else ineffective to toughen measures where it is not possible to enforce those that already exist; we use rigor to enforce reasonable rules“Bonaccini, in short, speaks more and more as a leader.