By Pope Francis capitalism has failed. In the last encyclical, Jorge Mario Bergoglio has in fact highlighted that the pandemic Above all, it shows the failure of the capitalist model.
Referring to the so-called ‘cascading economic theory’, he noted how the coronavirus proves free market policies “They cannot solve all of humanity’s gravest needs”:
“The market alone cannot solve all problems, no matter how much we are asked to believe in this neoliberal dogma of faith. But free market theory is reproduced by resorting to supernatural ‘spill’ or ‘trickle’ theories as the only solution to society’s problems.
Pope Francis argues that capitalism has failed
The encyclical represents the highest form of papal teaching. In practical terms, it is about a circular sent to all churches in a given geographic area.
The last of 70 pages, pauses to outline visions and hopes of a post-pandemic world, clarifying the impossibility of relying solely on the logic of the market:
“This ‘spill’ does not solve an inequality that gives rise to new forms of violence, which threaten the social fabric […] It is difficult to think that this global disaster is not connected in part to our way of situating ourselves with respect to reality, pretending to be absolute owners of life and everything that exists ”.
The text reaffirmed the vision of the Pope projected towards one more community society, which extends to the use of private property:
“The Christian tradition has never recognized the right to private property as absolute or inviolable, and has highlighted the social function of any form of private property.”
In addition, it covers various socio-political topics, including immigration, the death penalty, populism and economic injustice. He also mentions the racism, calling it a “Virus that changes rapidly and, instead of disappearing, lurks and lurks, waiting”.
It also contains a self-accusation internal to the ecclesiastical institution itself, wondering why it took so long before the Catholic Church doomed slavery.