no curfew and early closings


The Government is evaluating the new measures that will be included in the next Dpcm that should arrive during this week, with several novelties with which the Government will try to stop the increase in infections of coronavirus registered in our country in recent weeks. A Council of Ministers is scheduled for tonight, but from Palazzo Chigi comes a denial of one of the rules hypothesized in recent days, which had most concerned some categories: the closure of some activities, such as bars and restaurants, at 23 hours.

New Dpcm: no to early closings

Contrary to what had emerged in recent days, the executive does not seem willing to institute a nationwide curfew, with early closing times for bars, restaurants and nightclubs. The Dpcm in which the premier works Giuseppe Conte therefore, you should not introduce reduced hours.

The possibility of anticipating the closures of bars and restaurants was discussed last night during the meeting at Palazzo Chigi between Conte and the majority heads of delegation, but no final decision has been made. There is no news about schedules, now it is insured, they should be introduced in the new Dpcm, leaving clubs, bars and restaurants the opportunity to close according to individual needs.

The Minister of Regional Affairs Francesco bowl and the Minister of Health Robert hope, will meet with the presidents of the Region, the representatives of the ANCI and the Union of the provinces to illustrate the contents of the new dpcm and the decree of closure of the anti-contagion name of Coronavirus, of which Speranza will inform the Chambers tomorrow. The meeting is to precede the Council of Ministers called at 9pm on security decrees and Nadef, but the call has not yet been issued.

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” We exclude other closures ”

Even the Minister of Economy, Robert Gualtieri, interviewed by RaiNews24, denied the hypothesis of new closures: “We exclude new emergency shutdown, but to exclude them we must avoid contagion. Precisely because the objective is not to have to return to new confinements, it is necessary to put an excess of attention and rigor in containing the virus ”. Instead, the other possible measures remain, from the obligation to wear masks even outdoors, to private parties with a small number of participants.
