Dl security: green light in the CDM for the new immigration decree


The new immigration decree that files Matteo Salvini’s security decrees is law. After less than an hour of confrontation in the Palazzo Chigi, the Council of Ministers approved the text proposed by the Interior Minister Luciana Lamorgese after a complex mediation between the two souls of the government, that of Pd and Leu, which pressed for the improvement Salvini’s measures and the M5S that wanted to limit itself to accepting the observations of the President of the Republic.

“The propaganda / Salvini decrees are gone. We want a more humane and safe Italy. A more protagonist Europe,” Democratic Party secretary Nicola Zingaretti announced on Twitter as soon as the news of the decree’s approval leaked from Palazzo Chigi.

The rescue of lives at sea, first of all, as a constitutional and international obligation, the prohibition of expulsion and return of those in their country who are in danger of torture or inhuman treatment to whom special protection should be granted. And the right to be accepted and integrated, the fundamental points of the new decree in nine articles dedicated to immigration.
With the addition of articles that envision the establishment of a new type of urban Daspo to keep violent and drug dealers away from entertainment venues, increased penalties for the crime of fighting, and new rules to hide dangerous dark sites . Web.
