Coronavirus in Lombardy, today’s newsletter October 5: 251 new cases and 2 deaths


Milan, October 5, 2020 – Ups and downs of the coronavirus contagion in Lombardy. In the last 24 hours they have registered 251 new positives (of which 44 ‘weak positive’ and 1 after a serological test) with 8,075 swabs made by a percentage equal to 3.1%. A lower number than in recent days, when they were 314 (yesterday), 393 (Saturday) and 307 (Sunday). But the amount of evidence on possible infected has also decreased. Two deaths like yesterday. THE healed / discharged are +78, total total: 81,811, of which 1,368 were discharged and 80,443 recovered. With respect to ICU admissions increased by 2 units (41) and those in other departments of 9 (305).

The data of the provinces

As for the provinces, first is Monza and Brianza with 96 new cases. Follow the Milanesa with 87 positives, of which 51 in the capital (yesterday 160 and 86 respectively). Then, Varese with +16 (yesterday +16); Lecco with +11 (yesterday +4); Bergamo with +9 (yesterday +9) and Pavia +6 (yesterday +22). Then 3 infections by Brescia, Mantua and Sondrio (yesterday +28, +2 and +2 respectively). One only to Como and Cremona (yesterday +3 and +6 respectively). Nobody in Lodi (yesterday +2).

Coronavirus, the data of October 5 in Lombardy

Galli: “New unavoidable restrictions”

The number of infections shows that we are in one “dangerous ascent phase“what” implies the need for decisive interventions“He explained it Massimo Galli, Director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Sacco Hospital in Milan, speaking this morning at Agorà en Rai Tre. According to the expert, the “resumption of work activities after a slightly too sparkling summer” weighs heavily on this trend, but also “schools are making their contribution, not so much from within, but with respect to external youth aggregations.” With respect tohypothesis of new restrictions against the spread of Covid-19, Galli specified: “I’m afraid they are inevitable. And I hope they are not late, because what happened in France and Spain is before our eyes and what “these countries” will have to do as a result is quite deductible. I don’t want it to get to this point “, to the point of having to evaluate a new lock.

The mayor of Milan: “Use the mask”

Worried by the number of infections also the mayor of Milan, Giuseppe Sala. For this, it does attract the entire population of Milan and in particular young people wear the mask. “The first question we must ask ourselves is what can we, mayors, citizens and the word of the day is mask – Sala said on his Facebook profile -. me please wear the mask, everyone, I say this in particular to young people trying to always be close and understanding, but use it because it is absolutely important. “Sala then added, speaking of the historical moment, that” it is clear that this is a life, an anomalous society, but it’s life and those who have gone through the most difficult times tell you and perhaps that is why they appreciate this anomalous life more. We are going to protect him. “

Coronavirus, the vaccine? Accepted only by 54%

While all over the world investigation is engaged in the race to get there to an anti-Covid vaccine, not all Italians consider it the main solution to the emergency, so much so that as soon as 54% of compatriots would “accept” a possible vaccine. An average that sees that 20.4% accept it “with certainty”, 33.3% “probably”, with an acceptance rate that rises to 58.2% (29.8% “with certainty”) older 55 years. This is what emerges from a Doxa survey carried out in collaboration with the Milan State University, which also shows a slightly higher percentage of favorable women than men, while no substantial differences emerge between the different geographical areas of the country.
