Juve-Napoli, the sports judge postpones the verdict: decision not before Wednesday


It will not be today or Tuesday, as was initially supposed, the day of the decision of the Sports judge about the possible 3 to 0 at the table in favor of Juventus after surreal Sunday night, with the Naples that did not show up inAllianz Stadium from Turin for the big game against the Bianconeri. Gerardo Mastrandrea has opted for postponement and the first verdict could arrive, in the best of cases, not before Wednesday, although the hypothesis that the judge may request a survey supplement, forwarding the documents to the FIGC Federal Prosecutor’s Office headed by Giuseppe Chinè.

Already on Saturday, Mastrandrea had received the lyrics which contained the provisions ofAsl bell in which you sorted all close contacts of Piotr Zielinski, the first of the two Napoli players who tested positive for hyssop, to be quarantined and, therefore, was able to carry out the first controls. However, the Federal Prosecutor’s Office could also acquire the second missive yesterday that he was able to question the competence of the first ASL that had ruled on the subject.

So there is also one political problem to be resolved and a question to be answered: in which cases can an ASL provision take precedence over protocol signed between Figs me technical scientific committee? To answer this question, which could also determine the decision of the Sports Judge, in the afternoon the Minister of Sports, Vincenzo Spadafora, will first meet with the president of the Lega Serie A, Paolo Dal Pino, and then the Federation, Gabriele gravina.

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