Last Thursday, at the summit organized in the Prefecture with the press, the local institutions had been clear: zero tolerance towards transgressors of ministerial directives – no use of masks and non-compliance with social distancing – to avoid increasingly drastic measures in the fight against COVID-19. That day there were 24 cases in the province, 27 were added on Friday, 24 more on Saturday and the real outbreak arrived yesterday: 73 positives in one day only at the territorial level, 25 only in the capital. A “peak” never registered until now in the health emergency, a not very gratifying record that, as expected, led the same institutions to announce a new summit scheduled for this morning in the Prefecture. What is cooking in the pot? Effective counterattacks that, translated in a nutshell, can only mean one thing: more drastic measures just around the corner.
Measures that should not be far from those that are already being evaluated at the national level and that will be announced on Wednesday by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. The decree containing the new rules should, in fact, delay the country by six months. A new grip, therefore, but also the decision to ask Parliament to extend the state of emergency until January 31. The most important novelty will be the obligation to wear a mask outdoors throughout the national territory, also because several governors, including Zingaretti for Lazio, have already issued ordinances to ask citizens to cover their nose and mouth even in the street, especially to avoid contact between children when leaving schools and at night in meeting places. The government could follow Lazio’s line with fines for violators that range between 500 and 3,000 euros. And if a blanket lockdown appears to be precluded at this time, if infections were to rise again, new restrictions on personal freedom may instead be imposed in limited areas of the country to extinguish new outbreaks. Among the measures being studied is the closure of the premises at 22 or 23 hours before, a kind of “curfew” to prevent nightlife from promoting the transmission of the virus, as it happened in the summer months. The other issue on the table is that of private parties, which according to the experts of the Scientific Technical Committee should be regulated and limited in number. The entrances to the stores will always be limited according to the space, the restaurants must respect the distance and the discos will remain closed.
One delicate step will concern the limitation of indoor and outdoor audiences for stadiums and shows. Outside it will not be possible to gather more than a thousand people at the same time, strictly spaced. The government, in football, does not seem to want to change its mind: the limit of stadiums is still 1,000 spectators. Indoors (cinemas, theaters, concert halls) it will be strictly forbidden to exceed the limit of 200 people and this measure will also cover private initiatives, such as weddings.
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