Rome, October 5, 2020 – Now it is almost certain: in new Dpcm that the government is about to adopt in the face of the emergency Coronaviorus in Italy (The content will be reported tomorrow Tuesday in Parliament by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza) there should also beobligation widespread use of More expensive also inopen after many Regions (Lazio and Basilicata, for example) have already adopted it. But what do scientists think? Let’s see it together.
New Dpcm: bars and restaurants are shaking
Covid Newsletter October 4
Crisanti: “Useful but it doesn’t solve the problem”
Talking to Good Morning, on Sky TG24, Andrea Crisanti, Senior Lecturer in Microbiology at the University of Padua, explains: “They are not againstor the use of the mask, the mask protects, ma not I believe in the obligation of the mask solve the problem. In light of what is happening, it would be worth seeing in a week or two if the measures taken to protect students, teachers and all of us from reopening schools work. This is the true core of the situation ”. Crisanti argues: “The mask protects – explained Crisanti – but in my opinion it is necessary to understand what is happening. We have been no mask all summereven with big meetings, and infections haven’t increased much. Now the cases are increasing, but this is the effect of schools reopening and the start of all productive activities. Maybe we should act there. “
Galli: “Only if he is close to others”
By Massimo Galli, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Sacco Hospital in Milan, “when you are outdoors, the mask must always be available and carry it you get closer to other people. Even the rules must have a “logic.” You have to say it walking alone “, or” climbing mountains with a single rope “, then” this is quite absurd “that” people perceive as ridiculous “and therefore” refuse “.
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