Salvini’s rally in Terracina that has become a coronavirus outbreak


“The Terracina cluster? Let’s talk about Genoa, please. I answer what I know, then I let the doctors do their work”: the secretary of the Lega Matteo Salvini on the sidelines of a visit to the Genoa Boat Show, is quite nervous when he responds to journalists who ask him for a comment about the Terracina cluster, which may have originated in one of their meetings. Don’t you feel partly responsible? “Are you serious? – answers the leader of the Carroccio to the reporter who presses him – It’s incredible. When Zingaretti got sick, did he go to ask him if he felt responsible? It would have been a strange question: when health is involved, no.” You’re kidding. ”

Salvini’s rally in Terracina that has become a coronavirus outbreak

However, the matter in Terracina is terribly serious. This morning Republic He said that in the last 24 hours in the province of Latina there have been 73 new cases of positive patients to Covid-19 in 19 Pontine municipalities. Never too bad, even at the beginning of the pandemic. But above all, the organizer of the electoral demonstration in support of the center-right candidate in the administrative elections in which the Captain also intervened also ended up in the hospital. Hundreds of people had attended that event and, for this reason, ASL fears that a maxi cluster may emerge in the coming days. “We are considering the possibility of opening drive-ins in Terracina. Perhaps already on Tuesday, ”authorized health sources explained to the newspaper.

However, the boom in infections in the province of Latina currently has no reason and this aspect generates the greatest concern for the health company. There are many mini-outbreaks in small and large towns in the area, all family or business types, and ASL is struggling to rebuild all ties. Parties, baptisms, communions, companies: all the vehicles of the virus.

Yesterday, in the last published bulletin, 6 new infected were counted in Aprilia, 8 in Cisterna di Latina, one in Cori, one in Fondi, 2 in Formia, 4 in Itri, one in Minturno, one in Monte San Biagio, one in in Pontinia, 2 in Priverno, one in Roccagorga, 4 in Sabaudia, 4 in San Felice Circeo, one in Sermoneta, 2 in Sezze, 2 in Sonnino, one in Spigno Saturnia, 6 in Terracina and 25 in Latina. “The increase is worrying – said the general manager of ASL, Giorgio Casati – and at this moment, until there is a clear image, I invite you to leave only in case of need and to avoid unnecessary departures.

The governor of Lazio Nicola Zingaretti to the microphones of “Che Giorno è”, on Radio Uno even proposed the possibility of a mini-blockade in the city of Lazio: “Today there is a meeting in the prefecture on the cluster of the province of Latina The issue is very delicate. The discourse is always the same, take useful measures to serve the population. “Zingaretti explained that” he does not want to enter into controversy “on the question of the Salvini rally but – he stressed -” I continue to appeal to politics to set a good example. ”

The alleged contagion at the Salvini rally

The video of Salvini saying he had a fever

In recent days a video had circulated in which he said that he had a fever. Fortunately – as he will explain later – the leader of the League only had a stiff neck, but, La Stampa explains today, that date has now ended under the magnifying glass of the local Terracina ASL (last stop of that mini tour of his in the province of Rome in support of the mayoral candidates) because one of the covidito clusters that most worries the Lazio Region has manifested itself in Terracina. And what worries the most is that electoral dinner at Terracina Thrush, where many remember that they wore masks, others did not. It is no coincidence that in the last few hours there has been a real swab race.

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