Moved uncontrollably, the blitz is triggered: three bars closed


MONSELICE – Move disrespectful of anticovid rules: a Monselice starts the bombardment compliance with the law. Three me sanctioned premises and subjected to a temporary closure five days. That between Saturday and Sunday was a hectic night for the city of La Rocca. It was close to midnight when the streets and squares of the historic center were illuminated with flashing lights: 10 police patrols from the Abano Terme company, two units from the Nas de Padua, the canine unit from Torreglia, soldiers of the Norma for a total 30 men, plus local police patrols. A major security operation to give one lesson to nightlife without rules who has been in the limelight for a few weekends for the unedifying episodes he has shown: unmasked patrons crowded in clubs, small fights, drunken boys who exchange parks and public spaces for urinals and young people who after drinking They’re going to grind up a carpet of broken glass and plastic cups.
On Saturday night the situation was not much different when the police rushed into the center, under the surprised gaze of hundreds of people. The controls they concentrated on the places around which Monselic’s nightlife gravitates. Three of them did not respect the basic anticovid safety rules, that is, spacing and mask. Thus, the provision of temporary closure for five days was activated, as required by article 4 of Decree Law 19/2020, and the administrative fine of 400 euros. The military questioned the absence of a mask for employees and the gathering of people within the facility or in the immediate vicinity. The first bar reviewed was the Kairos in via Zanellato, where last weekend a man had once again threatened a group of children with an ax and then with a fake gun. Therefore, it was worth it for the place. The same fate also suffered the Maleva in Piazza San Marco and the Galleria Einaudi in Piazza Mazzini, where one of the waitresses did not wear the mask correctly. Here the Nas also found irregularities related to food storage, seizing 30 kilos of single-serving candies worth 200 euros. The administrative fines would amount to 5,500 euros. “Some labels were missing but it is not our fault, so much so that we have already made a reference to the supplier,” explains owner Giulio Formaggio, who promises a greater attention to anticovid rules, convinced, however, that he has ended up among the scapegoats. of a fugitive night of hand in respect of which the villagers themselves had asked the Municipality for greater security.
“We have tried to help as far as possible the activities that had suffered the inconveniences of the confinement, granting more extensive positions and trying to mediate critical situations with common sense, says Mayor Giorgia Bedin, but in some cases, compliance with the Regulations were mostly deficient. regarding the administration of alcohol to young people and social gatherings, so much so that it degenerates into a problem of public order ». To which the administration responded in the first place with a restrictive order, limited only to the historic center, on the consumption of alcohol in the open air and on the sale of drinks in glass bottles. On Saturday night the new hardening, with the operation oriented to security and legality, in which a total of 116 people and 61 vehicles were reviewed. We want Monselice to continue being a living city, says the mayor without giving up the health of our young people, the safety of our citizens and the dignity of our squares ”.
Last updated: 12:08

