«Dangerous rise of the virus, situation of risk like March. New unavoidable restrictions “


“We are on a dangerous climb, elementary arithmetic is enough. The trend is clearly upward and that implies the need for decisive interventions. It is a trend that can only be considered worrying ”. These are the words of the teacher Massimo Galli, primary specialist in infectious diseases at the Sacco-University Hospital of Milan, A Agorà.

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“It was a summer that was too lively in many ways, too out of the ordinary. It is not yet possible to say how much the impact of the schools is, even if there have been reports in Lazio. The schools are giving their contribution, not so much to the ‘both internal and external’, he adds.

Images documenting meetings in a room scroll across the screen. “We are going to risk a situation comparable in some respects to that of March. Do we want this? Do we want to cancel the sacrifices made during the confinement to go swinging in a place that should be closed? I suffer from the idea of ​​criminalizing young people and make them responsible for what happens, but that is not a responsible attitude ”.

“This summer he shuffled the cards and we saw him when we reopened. Internal movements and behavior during the summer period gave the seed of a greater diffusion. in the workplace and in the school environment “, he says.” If discos are opened and elections are held as if nothing had happened, it is a sign opposite to ‘it is not over’ “.” What happened in France and Spain it is before our eyes, I fear that “new measures” are inevitable and I hope they are not too late. “” Now we are on the crest that could lead us to a situation of absolute gravity. We cannot close schools and we do not want to close schools. We cannot close economic activities. Living with the virus means this, “says Galli.” It is serious that we continue to think that we can easily manage this in a normal condition, especially since our normality – with our health system and our laws – puts us in great difficulty. ”

Last updated: Monday, October 5, 2020, 10:39

