Covid, 12 positive swabs in nine schools in Piacenza. Delledonne: “Increase the level of care”



October 4, 2020

There are 12 students with hyssop registered in the last 2 days of this week in the schools of the province.
Regarding primary, there are 6 students attending the “Don Minzoni” and “Mazzini” schools in Piacenza and the primary schools in Calendasco, Cortemaggiore and Gragnano. In secondary schools, on the other hand, the 6 positive swabs refer to Mattei di Fiorenzuola and Romagnosi, ITIS and the hotel institute of Piacenza.

“It is a situation that was unfortunately predictable and obviously worrisome – said Marco Delledonne, head of the public health department of the AUS in Piacenza -. It is necessary to further increase the level of attention on the part of all and obviously I mean the use of masks, first of all. The provision adopted by Mayor Barbieri was desirable and required the use of the devices also outdoors. We have to use them and do it correctly ”.

Meanwhile, the covid-referents of the schools in question are sending the names and contact details of the students and teachers considered close contacts of people positive to public hygiene and health personnel are contacting the families to invite the children to undergo swabbing. Most of the guests have already shown up this afternoon at the Piacenza laboratory, while the rest are summoned for tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow night approximately 270 students and more than 70 teachers will be evaluated. These are added to the 250 swabs (196 students and 54 teachers) that have already been carried out in schools since the beginning of the school year.
In total, there have been 27 positive pupils since September 12, while none of the school’s staff members have been infected.

“In the hospital, the situation linked to hospitalizations for coronavirus is increasing, but it is a trend that reflects the situation linked to the increase in infections – said Delledonne -: obviously we are not in the situation of last March, but it is clear that One feels a hint of tension. I believe that it is a duty of each one of us to face sacrifices that can remember those already experienced during the period of confinement: voluntary efforts that will avoid impositions of the institutions to try to contain the contagion ”.

Sacrifices that, after all, represent precautions aimed at avoiding new closures or “parceled closures” that have been in the air for a few weeks: “I see too many young people gathered outside the school environment without masks – Delledonne concluded -: these are behaviors that must be avoid at all costs ”.

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