The general director of ASL Napoli 1, Ciro Verdoliva, speaking at minute 90 of Rai 2, spoke of Juve-Napoli, showing how it was the body that prevented the Neapolitans from leaving.
“The correspondence with Napoli began on October 2, in the afternoon, when they notified us of the positive swabs of two members of the company. The next day we had the confirmation and transmission of the ASL Napoli 2 Nord, responsible for the residence of Zielinski, from a long list. There the protocol was triggered, which sees the safeguarding of health as harmful. So what we believe are confinements, that is the quarantine of close contacts, which we have been doing since February 28, 2020 ” .
Didn’t you tell Napoli not to go to Turin? And what happened today?
“Today we have reconfirmed to the Napoli club that its players and staff members are in quarantine and therefore cannot leave their declared address. This is the strict competence of ASL. We have never expressed any prohibition to go out or play, nor is it in the competitions: it is clear that it is a consequential thing ”.
If Napoli had violated its fiduciary isolation provision, could it be responsible for what?
“Anyone who violates these provisions is subject to administrative sanctions and different crimes can also be configured, since we are talking about a pandemic.”
Did the contagion situation in Campania contribute to history?
“The circular of the Ministry of Health of June 2020 establishes that the competent department can allow the dispute of the game. In this epidemiological scenario we must ensure the health of the individual and the community. We are working towards that, that is why we have applied what is done in a pandemic: limit the wandering of potentially positive people. “
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