
The government is working on a new decree that will likely contain some restrictions. The goal is to keep infections under control.
The government will present the new Dpcm to the Council of Ministers tomorrow. Then the approval of Minister Speranza in Parliament and on Wednesday the signature of Prime Minister Conte.
Among the measures there will be limitations on private parties that may affect only a few people, baptisms and weddings with limited numbers and close to move with possible closings of the premises. The government also reinstates the ban on gathering for everyone, allowing the presence of a maximum of 1000 people outdoors (in stadiums) and 200 indoors (whether they are sports halls, cinemas or theaters) and does so by limiting the responsibility and possibility of intervention. of the Regions that had allowed exceptions (these are Lombardy, Emilia, Veneto, Abruzzo and Basilicata).
In the evening, a meeting was held at Palazzo Chigi between Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the heads of delegation of the majority of the government. On the table, as Adnkronos learns, the measures that will be included in the next Dpcm, which must extend the state of emergency, until January 31, 2021.
As already writtenTomorrow there will be a meeting between the Ministry of Education and the Higher Institute of Health to analyze the data on infections in schools, more than a thousand registered to date.
The numbers of positives in the school do not seem to worry Minister Azzolina, who today reiterated the “marginal” effect of the reopening of schools on the epidemic, according to several experts, but who warns: “We must not lower our guard, on the contrary: to protect schools, let’s remember to be cautious especially outside of school.”
The first real report on infections in schools, Azzolina told La Stampa “It will arrive in mid-October”, approximately one month after the opening of most of the country’s educational institutions.
With daily infections in 2,578 cases, the Executive is “At work to avoid a new blockade that we must not allow ourselves”, explains the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, who closes the possibility of increasing the maximum threshold of a thousand fans in the stadium for Serie A matches and, given the multiplication of infections between the benches, ensures: “We want to keep schools open even though there will be more infections.”