Brian Snyder / Reuters
Ten points ahead. Joe Biden keeps a double-digit distance from Donald Trump in the Reuters / Ipsos poll released today. A survey that comes after the US president’s hospitalization for Covid-19 at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and conflicting news about his actual state of health.
Most Americans believe that Trump could have prevented the contagion if he had taken the virus more seriously. The underestimation of the coronavirus is one of the weaknesses of the president’s election campaign, which even in the recent television debate even mocked Joe Biden because he always wears a mask, even when it is not necessary.
Among voters in the November 3 presidential election, the poll recorded 51% support for Joe Biden compared to 41% for Donald Trump. Another 4% opt for a third candidate, while only 4% say they are undecided. A wide margin of advantage for the dem challenger in the popular vote at the national level, but the fact is that, to conquer the White House, it is necessary to prevail in the key states, where instead the candidates go head-to-head.
Americans remain very concerned about the pandemic, the survey shows that 65%, in detail 9 out of 10 among registered Democratic voters, 5 out of 10 among Republicans, agree that “if President Trump had coronavirus more serious, he probably wouldn’t have gotten sick. ”Only 34% believe Trump is telling the truth, compared with 55% convinced otherwise and 11% undecided. Additionally, 57% of Americans surveyed disapprove of handling pandemic by the Trump administration, 3 points more than last week.