Obligation mask Marche, Acquaroli signs the order – Chronicle


The meeting with the regional health leaders of President Francesco Acquaroli
The meeting with the regional health leaders of President Francesco Acquaroli

Ancona, October 4, 2020 – The President of the Region, Francesco Acquaroli, elected less than two weeks ago, has not yet formed his government team, but in the meantime he places the first provision: mandatory masks even outdoors throughout the day and throughout the Marche region. A decision that will provoke discussion, but in fact broadens the temporal spectrum of an already planned measure, that is the obligation of the mask in case of meetings after 6 pm A comparison with the leaders of regional healthcare yesterday morning was enough to convince us to align the measure with that already adopted by other regions, Campania and Lazio especially. Without a doubt, another contribution came from the number of new coronavirus infections reported yesterday by Gores, up to 59, 28 of which in Ascoli.

Read also Obligation to wear a mask in Marche, first fines in Ancona

From the hypothesis aired in the morning to the signature below in ordinance that provides for the mandatory use of masks arrived at night: “It is necessary to examine epidemiological data to understand what measures to take – said Acquaroli to explain the decision taken -. Together with the health authorities, we evaluated the relevance of an ordinance that from 00.00 hours on October 4 (tonight, ed.), will make the mask mandatory, throughout the day throughout the region as well as already planned in indoor public places, even outdoors, in spaces belonging to places and premises open to the public, as well as in public spaces, squares, streets, etc. , in the event of meetings also of a spontaneous and / or occasional nature “.

The obligation is excluded for children under 6 years of age, for those with pathologies incompatible with the use of a mask and during motor and sports activities: “The intention is not to sanction, but empowerment of all citizens. Each of us can contribute to the prevention on which we must continue to keep our guard up, “concluded President Acquaroli. In fact, the issue is not so much the application of the ordinance as the search for the necessary forces to enforce it. Acquaroli In addition, he also confirmed a novelty on the front of the tampon: “The Asur has been equipped with quick pads – underlines the new governor, which can be used as early as the next few days for suspicious cases even in schools to shorten response times. The focus is very high in the school sector: October 18 has been set as the deadline to assess the real consequences after the start of classroom lessons at the national and regional level. “

