“The virus is not a divine punishment, but it reveals false certainties”


Vatican City – A manifesto to build bridges in a fragmented world to say that Covid is not divine punishment, that the real virus, after all, is that of racism, the spread of selfishness, the wars that arise to loot or dominate the next. “Radical individualism is the most difficult virus to defeat,” writes Pope Francis. The encyclical Fratelli Tutti also contains an invitation to those who are very rich to share their wealth because “private property can be considered a secondary right.” A concept of the social doctrine of the Church that seems to take a step forward with this encyclical. In the pages of the magisterial document born during the confinement, the issue of populism, authoritarian drift, and the poison spread with fake news is also addressed. On women, some words and some signs of equality.

PRIVATE PROPERTY «The right to private property can only be considered as a secondary natural right derived from the principle of the universal destiny of created goods, and this has very concrete consequences, which must be reflected in the functioning of society. However, it frequently happens that secondary rights are placed above the priority and original ones, depriving them of practical relevance. (…) The Christian tradition has never recognized the right to private property as absolute or untouchable “.

PUNISHMENT – «If everything is connected, it is difficult to think that this world disaster is not related to our way of situating ourselves with respect to reality, pretending to be absolute owners of our own life and of everything that exists. I don’t mean to say it’s some kind of divine punishment. Nor would it suffice to say that the damage done to nature in the end requires accounting for our abuses. It is reality itself that groans and rebels ».

CRISIS – «After the health crisis, the worst reaction would be to fall further into feverish consumerism and new forms of selfish self-protection. May heaven grant that in the end there will no longer be ‘the others’, but only a ‘us’ ».

MIGRANTS – «Therefore, no one can be excluded, no matter where they were born, and even less because of the privileges that others have for being born in places with greater opportunities. Borders and state borders cannot prevent this from happening. Just as it is unacceptable that a person has fewer rights because she is a woman, it is equally unacceptable that the place of birth or residence itself determines fewer opportunities for a dignified life and development. “

LIMITS “When your neighbor is a migrant, complex challenges are added. Of course, the ideal would be to avoid unnecessary migration and for this the path is to create in the countries of origin the concrete possibility of living and growing with dignity, so that there are the conditions for their own development. integral. But, as long as there is no serious progress in this direction, it is our duty to respect the right of every human being to find a place where he can not only satisfy his basic needs and those of his family, but also fulfill himself fully as a person. “

FAKE NEWS «Giant economic interests operate in the digital world, capable of creating forms of control that are as subtle as they are invasive, creating mechanisms for manipulating consciences and the democratic process. The operation of many platforms usually ends up favoring the encounter between like-minded people, making it difficult to compare differences. These closed circuits facilitate the dissemination of false information and news, fostering prejudice and hatred “

DOMAIN – «Demolishing someone’s self-esteem is an easy way to dominate it. Behind the trends that aim to homogenize the world, power interests emerge that benefit from low self-esteem, at the same time that, through the media and networks, we try to create a new culture at the service of the most powerful . The opportunism of speculation and financial exploitation benefits from this, where the poor are always the losers ”.

ISLAM – For the first time, an encyclical mentions a Muslim leader. Grand Imam Ahmad Al-Tayyeb, with whom a Charter on Brotherhood was signed for me in Abu Dhabi, is nominated 5 times. “We are called to live together as brothers.”

POLITICS – «Politics is no longer a healthy discussion about long-term projects for the development of all and the common good, but only ephemeral marketing recipes that find the most effective resource in the destruction of the other. In this petty game of disqualifications, the debate is manipulated to keep it in a state of controversy and opposition.

CONNECTION – «A global tragedy like the Covid-19 pandemic has awakened for some time the awareness of being a world community sailing in the same boat, where the evil of one is to the detriment of all. We remember that nobody is saved alone, that they can only be saved together ”.

Last updated: 17:18

