Over a thousand infections in schools, Azzolina and Iss will meet tomorrow. Government: we don’t want to close them –



Tomorrow there will be a meeting between the Ministry of Education and the Higher Institute of Health to analyze data on infections in schools, more than a thousand registered to date.

The numbers of positives in the school do not seem to worry Minister Azzolina, who today reiterated the “marginal” effect of the reopening of schools on the epidemic, according to several experts, but who warns: “We must not lower our guard, really : To protect schools, let’s remember to be cautious especially outside of school.

The first real report on infections in schools, Azzolina told La Stampa, “will arrive in mid-October,” about a month after the opening of most of the country’s schools.

The desire to keep the schools open also comes from the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza: “We want to keep the schools open. There have been a thousand cases in schools so far ”, but he points out“ it is quite clear that there will be many more in the coming weeks ”. It will be important to speak quickly, explains the minister.

The Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, reassured yesterday saying that “the system is maintained”, “with the reopening of the school, Italy is back before Covid with 40 thousand active school complexes and only 800/900 infected classes”.

From the union front, Anief reiterates the need for a control for school personnel that considers “the biological risk to which the teachers and Ata are exposed.” “10 euros a day,” explains leader Marcello Pacifico, “would be at least a sign of attention from the government.” “The monthly increases would be 300 euros to which are added the one hundred euros already allocated in the last budget law and another 50 euros that could be added in the next update note of the DEF, for a total of 450 euros of monthly increases ”, Emphasizes the unionist.

