
Juventus-Naples is at the center of a new confrontation within Italian football, the federal rules contrast with the ordinary ones and another impossible short-circuit has been created in which everyone seems to have their share of reason. The Football Federation has confirmed that the match is still scheduled since there are no conditions for its postponement, following the directives that were launched and ratified on October 2, with the ‘Regulation on the impact of Covid-19 / management of positive cases and postponement of matches’. On the other hand, however, there is ordinary justice and national health regulations, sanctioned according to the Circular of the Ministry of Health that requires compliance with quarantine and sanctions for any infraction. In the middle are Juventus and Napoli, with their respective positions: the first ones ready to take the field and present themselves tonight at 8:45 p.m., the second stopped at Castel Volturno, in fiduciary isolation.
A paradoxical situation that plunges the championship back into the abyss of its own contradictions, opening its side to an easy controversy and fierce repercussions that from tonight -after the 45-minute ritual to sanction the failure of the match- will explode in time . The path is laid out: with the federal endorsement, the match will be recorded in the minutes and the referee will decide that it was not possible to play due to the absence of one of the two teams (Napoli). Then the ball will go to Sports judge You will have two options: decide immediately or take the time to assess the situation by analyzing each fact.
When the Sports Judge expresses himself in accordance with the referee’s report, he must inevitably activate the sanctions according to the regulations: 3-0 at the Juventus table, following article 10 of the Code of Sports Justice. However, this does not stop there, but also provides a penalty point (article 10, paragraph 4): “Violation of federal regulations that establishes the obligation for teams to appear on the field within the established terms, carries the sanction referred to in paragraph 1 and the subsequent
penalty of a point in the classification “.
Therefore, for Napoli there will be damage and insult: a double penalty for a situation that has already seen him as a victim and not as an accomplice. Certainly, the Neapolitan club will take legal action and fight against this federal decision making. A card-stamped fight that a football already racked with infection and division could and should have done without. And that is why Juventus-Napoli is just the tip of the iceberg. Appointment at 9:30 p.m. on Sunday, October 4: when the foul to start the match is made official.
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