Juve-Napoli, the A against postponement. Spadafora: “Responsible local authorities”. Esperanza: “Soccer is not a priority”


In the new championship that began on Saturday between the ASL and the sports institutions around the Juventus-Napoli case, it was not yet clear which side the government was on. An intervention by the Sports Minister Vincenzo Spadafora seems to score a goal in favor of the ASL competition: “The protocol proposed by FIGC and validated by the Cts I tried to ensure Italian football so that everyone can restart – Spadafora explains in a note, probably not by chance using the verb in the past tense -. However, it is clear that the general situation has become even more complex in recent weeks, so much so that even the world of football has not been immune despite the strict regulations adopted. And that’s why, As has been clarified on several occasions in both the CTS and the Dpcm minutes, the local health authorities have a clear responsibility me precise monitoring action. Now it is up to the sports organizations to decide on the specific aspects of the championship, both on tonight’s decision and on future appeals. But let my call be clear make the best interests of health prevail on any other logic or partisan interest –he added this hope – explains Spadafora– I will reiterate it tomorrow to the presidents of FIGC and Lega Serie A during two meetings planned for a long time but which will be an opportunity to reaffirm the Government’s commitment to safeguard the world of sports, of all sports, but without pretending not to see that we are still in a situation that does not allow us exceptions and underestimations ».

The Serie A League with a note repeating less than five hours from the challenge scheduled for Sunday night at 8:45 p.m. between Juventus and Naples your position. The request for postponement made by De Laurentiis’ club after the Naples ASL put Gattuso’s players in fiduciary isolation following the positivity of Zielinski and Elmas is rejected. There are three principles to which the Ball Confindustry appeals: “The current regulatory system must guarantee maximum protection of the health of the people involved, equal treatment between the different clubs, as well as respect for the principles of sports loyalty ”. From via Rosellini, having taken note of the provision issued by the Local Health Authority of Campania, he points out that in the circular is limited to “notify the ordinary provision fiduciary isolation of close contacts of the player Zielinski».

The League, for its part, emphasizes that “for the present case, the FIGC Protocol agreed with the CTS and integrated by the Circular of the Ministry of Health of June 18, which recognizes the opinion of the CTS n. 1220 of June 12, 2020 “, which according to the League” was not taken into account even in the email of the deputy head of the President of the Campania Region. ” After all, Napoli registered only two positives, because in recent days it had already happened to other clubs for which it was applied ”.this special legal provision“That is to say, during the season it had been used” to allow, merely as an example, that Turin face Atalanta, Milan go to Crotone or Genoa go to play San Paolo, and today Atalanta go down on the field against the Cagliari ».

But around 5 pm, the Naples Asl-2 released a new note, published by the agency. Ansa – Formally prohibit the transfer to Napoli: «It is believed that the conditions that allow the safe movement of close contacts do not exist. Therefore, for public health reasons, the obligation of close contacts remains to respect fiduciary isolation at home»Obviously considering the team group a close contact of the positives and therefore also putting the possibility of doing the training at risk.


Dal Pino (also the day on which the mandatory offers from venture capital funds must be received) insists on underlining that “the protocol provides certain and non-derogable rules, which allow the dispute of league matches even in case of positivity, at place negative results of the tests carried out and communicated to the players within the deadlines established by the health authorities “. Precisely this week “the Council of the Lega – recalls the note – approved a regulation that will be adopted in case of multiple positivity that may lead to the postponement of the matches only when certain conditions are met that, for now, do not apply to the case of the Naples, and there are no provisions of the State or local Authorities that prevent the regular development of the match. ”In other words, each club has only one bonus to play during the championship when, in the course of a week, it records 10 or more positives. In other cases, UEFA protocol applies: if you don’t show up on the pitch, the 0-3 is triggered. Thus concludes the League, “the” ratio “of the protocol remains, therefore, to allow the dispute of all parties and consequently the regular conclusion of Serie A TIM ”.

Minister Speranza

The guidance that comes from via Rosellini does not conflict with what was declared by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, who had contributed to the CTS to draft the protocol with the FIGC to end the games of last season. «I think that in this country there is too much talk about football and little about school. The priority must be another. I even say this as a fan. Be careful to prioritize, it cannot be football or stadiums. The priority is the health of the people ”, said half an hour more about the Rai 3. The minister excludes that there are conditions for the suspension of the championship. “The CTS has established rules that allow us to proceed safely. Another thing is the participation of the public. I am against proposals to reopen stadiums to thousands of people.

Bottom line: Having interpreted the ASL provision extensively, Napoli must now look forward to the decisions of the sports judge on Tuesday. We go to 0-3 on the table.

October 4, 2020 (change October 4, 2020 | 18:38)

