A game that also involves the sport that is played in stadiums: “I am against proposals to open stadiums to thousands of people,” the minister explained, “because that would expose people to a real risk. If we have to take risks because the schools reopen I agree, but if we have to execute it to bring tens of thousands of people to the stadium, I am against it. It is a risk that we cannot face. I am on the line of prudence, which does not mean not doing things , but to go step by step. The line of prudence has led us to a better situation than in other countries “.
Coronavirus in schools, more than a thousand institutions with at least one infection and a hundred outbreaks
Yesterday the Ministry of the Interior authorized the prefects to also use military personnel to control nightlife avoiding gatherings, a decision that generated controversy due to an alleged threat to democracy (although in reality the decision only allows the military already used for civilians in the Safe Streets mission, without increasing the contingent). It was “democracy that allowed to bend the curve” of the epidemic in Italy in the most difficult phase, the minister recalled, and “the basic challenge is to focus on persuasion and conscience.”
Coronavirus, Ministry of the Interior: controls to 53 thousand people. Only 186 fines and 4 complaints
Returning to the subject of the sport, “the Cts – Speranza said – with total security has established the rules that allow the championship to advance.” It has already been decided that Juve-Napoli will not be played. But we talk too much about football, I also say it with respect to a part of the country’s economy: I know that there are interests around football and many people who must be respected. What is important at this time, however, are others: it is the work of hospitals and health professionals and the care of our schools, which are a fundamental starting point for the country. A little less football and a little more school if possible. The priority must be another. I even say this as a fan. Be careful to prioritize, it cannot be football or stadiums. The priority is people’s health ”.
Lega Serie A, without postponement: “You have to play Juve-Napoli, the protocol allows it”
If the priority continues to be the school, it is also true that according to the minister the figures relating to the positivity of the virus so far reported in the institutions “continue to be absolutely sustainable. We are around a thousand schools in which cases have been registered, there have been prepared interventions by local departments and health companies. What we are trying to rebuild is a new organic and non-episodic relationship between the National Health Service and the school system “
The goal is clear, but not easy to achieve: “We want to keep schools open. There have been a thousand cases in schools so far, but it is quite clear that there will be many more in the coming weeks. We will try to be the most.” as fast as possible. We are investing resources like never before in recent history, especially in health. We have invested more money in five months than in the last five years and we still have much more to invest ”.
The minister also went to the bottom of another very delicate provision that could be the core of the new Dpcm that should be launched on Wednesday, that relating to the obligation to wear the mask outdoors throughout Italy, a provision already adopted in a regional from Lazio, Puglia and (only in case of meeting) Marche: “It is one of the hypotheses that we are evaluating. There will be a parliamentary approval on Tuesday – said the minister – and the government will make its decisions only after parliamentary approval. If not We have the number of cases from other European countries, we are now in a phase of significant growth of the infection and we must preserve and reinforce the three fundamental rules, and one of them undoubtedly refers to masks. The use of which is fundamental, truly decisive. “